Ch. 17

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Harry chuckled softly as Louis yawned , he rubbed his back , "Did you sleep good at night ?"

Louis nodded but still pouted . It was Monday morning , and he was back at the bakery with Harry . He liked his little job , but it was still a tough task getting up on Monday morning .

Harry opened the bakery door for him , Louis blushed softly and walked inside with Harry following . He let out a short sigh when he saw Andy behind the counter , which didn't go unnoticed by Harry .

Harry put his arm around Louis' waist and pulled him closer into his side , "It's alright bub , you'll be fine ."

Louis let Harry lead him to behind the counter , Harry kissed his temple , "Make yourself some hot chocolate , alright ? For good start ." He said , loud enough for Andy to hear him . Louis nodded and gave Harry a soft smile .

"I'll be in the office for a bit before going to the back to help , okay ? Whatever you need you can come to me ." Harry said and kissed Louis' cheek , Louis nodded again before pointing between Harry and the coffee machine , asking Harry if he wanted anything .

Harry smiled at him , "Vanilla latte would be good . Thank you , bubba ." He pecked his lips and walked into his office . Louis turned to the coffee machine with rosy cheeks and a smile on his lips , quickly fixing his and Harry's drinks .

He took the two paper cups in his hands , but before he could make it one step Andy was in front of him , taking Harry's cup from him , "I'll give it to Mr. Styles ." He said and turned to the office . Louis raised his eyebrows and felt his heart clenching in his chest , he swallowed thickly and watched Andy walking into Harry's office .

Harry , who sat behind the desk , heard the door opening . He smiled and looked up , the smile turning down a bit when he saw it wasn't Louis , but Andy . "Oh , uh , thank you Andy ."

"You're welcome , Mr. Styles , if you want another drink you can ask me ." Andy smiled at him , Harry nodded and thanked him again when the cup was placed in front of him , and of course he didn't miss the way Andy walked in and smiled , then the way he walked out . When the door closed he rolled his eyes and went back to his papers .

When Andy walked out Louis didn't dare looking at him ; the lad was pissing him off . He sipped on his hot chocolate and put the cup down to take a mop and go clean the tables . He didn't want to be around Andy .

He was only cleaning the first table when he heard something from behind the counter , when he looked up he saw Andy spilling his hot chocolate all over the floor , making him frown .

"Oops ." Andy chuckled humorlessly , "Guess you have to clean that up ."

He took a deep breath to collect himself before going to grab a wet rag . He hated the way Andy was watching him with a smirk . 

"You missed a spot right there ." Andy said in a teasing voice before throwing the paper cup on the floor next to Louis , letting it drip on the floor where he just cleaned .

Louis lowered his head and grabbed the paper cup , putting it in the nearest trash can and cleaning the floor again . He was holding himself back from tearing up , because all he wanted to do at the moment was walk out of the bakery without looking back .

He just finished cleaning the floor and washed the rag , when Harry walked out of the office . And of course , Andy straightened up and fixed his clothes quickly , giving Harry a smile . 

Harry looked over to Louis , who didn't even turn towards him when he walked out . He walked past Andy and to Louis , putting his arm around his waist , "Lou ?"

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now