Ch. 8

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Three weeks .

Louis and Harry hadn't talked or properly seen each other in three weeks . 

Harry was still upset , though he tried moving on . Key word , tried . After Louis said no to his date proposal he felt like something wasn't right .

Louis was sad . So , so sad . He missed Harry but he was so self conscious that he thought he was doing what's best for Harry , when in reality he was hurting them both . He missed the way Harry smiled , his deep raspy voice , his dimples , his smell , hell he even missed being hugged by Harry - and he barely liked physical contact with people anymore .

Liam was torn ; his little brother was so stubborn , sometimes he wanted to grab his shoulders and shake him so hard to make any thought about being unworthy leave his body . But he also wanted to slap Harry for not trying to reach Louis again because Louis wouldn't do the first move .

He saw everything . He saw Louis looking out of the window when Harry was outside across the street , he saw the sad look in his eyes , and the fewer times his eyes watered if he looked for too long . He saw Harry looking across the street at their house , as if he were waiting for Louis to burst through the door and run up to him . He saw it all and it drove him crazy . On one side he thought skinny love was cute and all , but when Louis and Harry did nothing to reach out to each other - it drove him nuts . 

It was around the afternoon when Liam walked into the bakery Harry worked at , he walked up to the cashier , "Hello , I'm looking for Harry , is he here ?" 

The young boy behind the desk fixed his apron a little , "He went out , should be back any second now ." 

"Alright , thanks ." Liam nodded . "Also , if I'm already here , can I have a vanilla cuppa please ?" 

"Sure ." The boy nodded and went to make Liam his drink . Liam pulled out his money and left it on the counter , already knowing the cost . He thanked the boy when he was passed his drink . 

He stood by the counter as he sipped on his drink , when the boy approached him . "Hey , uh , you know Harry , right ? Since you asked for him ."

"Yeah , I do know him ."

"Is he seeing someone ? Or is he single ?" The boy asked , leaning his chin on his palm .

Liam munched on the inside of his cheek . "It's , uh - It's a little complicated at the moment ."

"Like , is he trying to get over someone ? Because , he's really charming and handsome , I'd want to get involved with him ." The boy smirked a little , Liam almost rolled his eyes when the bakery's door opened and Harry walked in .

Liam turned to face him , Harry raised his eyebrows . "Liam , hey . What brings you here ?"

"Could we talk ?" Liam asked . "Privately , if possible ."

Harry bit his lower lip , he should've known it was coming . "Sure , follow me ."

Harry led them into his uncle's office and closed the door , they sat on the armchairs in front of each other .

"You know why I'm here , right ?" Liam asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah . I know ."

"Since I already know Louis' side , I want to hear yours ."

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now