Ch. 30

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"It's Zayn's birthday tomorrow . I'm meeting his family for the first time ." Liam lied next to Louis in his bed , Louis smiled and turned on his side to face him , Liam remained on his back looking up at the ceiling . "I'm kind of nervous , you know . My boyfriend's family . A lot of pressure ."

Louis nodded , placing his hand comfortingly on Liam's shoulder , giving it a squeeze before reaching for his phone . He opened the notes and typed in quickly , turning it to Liam .

i know, its harrys bday soon too and i might meet his family then, i dont know how ill handle it

He erased it after Liam read and typed again , showing it to Liam .

but what i do know is that zayns family is going to love you, bc youre nice and a good person

Liam smiled and grabbed Louis' hand , giving it a squeeze , "Thanks . I really hope they will . Means a lot to me ." Louis nodded along , when there was a knock on the door . The two brothers turned their heads , Harry opened the door , "Hi there ."

"Hi mate ." Liam smiled , "Come in , we were just talking ."

"I wasn't interrupting anything , was I ?" Harry asked and walked into Louis' room , closing the door behind him . Louis shook his head , him and Liam scooting over on the bed so they could squeeze Harry in aswell , Louis in the middle of the two .

Harry toed his shoes off and lied on his side next to Louis , throwing his arm across his tummy . "I brought cupcakes , put the bag in the kitchen for dessert ."

Louis smiled and brought one hand to rest on Harry's arm , Liam smiled watching them being soft with each other .

"Alright , I'll leave you to it . Might aswell help dad finish making dinner ." Liam sat up , reaching his hand up to mess Louis' hair lightly , "No funny business ." He teased , Louis pushed his hand away with pink blush on his cheeks , Harry smiled , "No promises ." He teased back , before purposefully laying himself ontop of Louis and pretending to makeout with him .

"God help me ." Liam groaned and walked out of the room , though couldn't help but smile when Louis laughed , closing the door behind him .

Harry moved off him , holding himself on his elbow . "Now give me a proper kiss , will you ."

Louis smiled , leaning in and pressing a peck to Harry's cheek close to his mouth , Harry smiled back but shook his head , "I meant a proper proper kiss , bubba ." He smiled wider when Louis blushed .

"You're going to have to kiss me yourself if you want one , bub ." Harry leaned his head closer so their noses touched , though made no move to lean closer for a kiss - he wanted to push Louis out of his comfort zone just a little bit , show him that he can initiate kisses more often , and initiate anything if he wanted to .

Louis bit his lower lip , he did want to kiss Harry , but felt like he was too shy to initiate a proper kiss that wasn't a peck or a gentle press of lips . But then something clicked in his brain , and before he could think twice he rolled over , lifting one knee up over Harry's body and moving to straddle his hips .

Harry's chest warmed up inside when Louis sat on his stomach , hands cupping his cheeks with their lips pressed tightly together . He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and squeezed him closer , and couldn't help but smile into their kiss .

The second Louis realized what he was doing , he pulled back from the kiss , cheeks turning red from blush . Harry was beaming up at him , Louis sat up a bit with one hand on Harry's chest , his other hand on his mouth .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now