Character Answers

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It's going to take forever . Meh .

Enjoy x



Q : Are you planning on marrying Louis one day ? Love you guys BTW

H : *Chuckles* Too soon talking about marriage , to be honest . But , if we're being fair , then yeah I'd like to marry him in the future . If he'll have me .

Q : How much does Louis mean to you ?

H : He means so much . So so much more than he even thinks . I've never been so - so into someone like I'm into him .

Q : If your mum said that you must stop dating Louis cuz he's mute , what would you do ?

H : We'll talk hypothetically , because my mum would never say such thing . So , hypothetically , I wouldn't care because I love Louis and I want to be with him , no matter what .

Q : What about sex , did you guys do anything yet , or are you waiting for Louis to be comfortable ?

H : No , we haven't done anything besides kissing . It's a really big step for Louis , and I'll wait for him for as long as he needs .

Q : Tickle Louis it's so cutee 

Q : Why do you like tickling Louis even though *in Shane Dawson's voice* it's everything

H : *Grins* Oh he's the cutest when he's tickled , and he's ticklish everywhere it's adorable . His giggles are heaven .

Q : Are u curious what louis might sound like???

Q : What would you do if Louis ever verbally talks to you??

H : I am , I'm really curious . I would probably get emotional and start crying . But like , in a cool way 

Q : On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do u want louis to start talking again and fully trust you?

H : Definitely 10 . But it's up to him , I won't push him into this without him wanting it .

Q : How much do you love Louis? Is he the best thing that ever happened to you? What is your favorite thing about him?

H : I love Louis so much , he doesn't even realize it . He's definitely one of the best things , besides my family and my pups . My favorite thing about him is when he smiles really wide at my jokes .

Q : How are the doggies? 

H : The pups are great , they love when Louis hangs out with them , they get lots of attention .

Q : If you went to Louis' school, will you confront or punch the bully?

H : Definitely confront the bully , also be by Louis' side as much as I can .

Q : Do you know everything the people bullying Louis has done to him? Can't you please help him get a private teacher or transfer to another school or something, maybe home school on internet or something. I'm afraid the bullies will be mean to him when you are not there!

H : I'm not his father or legal guardian , so I don't really have a say in what he does with school . Also , it's his last school year , he's a senior , and as far as I know his bullies were all a year or two above him so this year he doesn't have any bullies at his school . It doesn't mean I don't care , because I do , I care a lot , but I can't make desicions for him .

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