Ch. 48

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In honour of my perfectly imperfect fic "A Model And A Fan" hitting 2M reads . I love you all ❤️

Enjoy x



Louis took a deep breath , his eyes closed as he focused on calming down his racing heart . He was stood outside of the dog school , about to walk in for his interview . He made sure he was there earlier than the time he was given , so he can roam around and take his time to figure out where he needed to go without fearing being late .

He swallowed down his nervousness and walked into  the building , quickly finding the front office . He walked in slowly and caught the receptionist's attention , she gave him a smile , "Hello , welcome to PawPrints College , how can I help you ?"

Louis gave her a shy smile , "I - I have an i-interview . I'm L-Louis Tomlinson-Payne ."

The receptionist looked at her computer and clicked her mouse a few times , nodding her head , "That you do . Do you know where to go ?"

Louis shook his head , she pointed to the large staircase , "You need to go to the second floor , then to your left there's a lobby . The one interviewing you is Mrs. Helene Horlyck , you'll see her name on the door . Just sit on one of the chairs close to the door , she'll call you in ."

Louis nodded and thanked her quietly , going up the staircase . His legs were shaking , hand gripping the wooden railing tightly as he took careful steps up . He still had about twenty more minutes before the due time , so he could have a few minutes to himself to calm down properly .

He reached the top , looking to his left seeing the large lobby , with several doors . Just to be sure , he walked closer and looked around , seeing the name he was given on one of the doors . Once he knew where he needed to be he turned and went to the cafeteria on the right side of the building , sitting on one of the chairs and pulling his phone out , seeing he had a few texts from Harry , Liam , Geoff and Zayn .

He quickly answered the texts , then called Harry , who picked up after two rings .

"Hi bubba , how are you ?"

"Nervous ." Louis breathed out , wiping his sweaty hand on his pant leg .

"Talk to me , love . Did you get to the right place ?"

"Yes , I found it . I still have about fifteen more minutes before the interview ." He leaned back in his seat , biting on his fingernails .

"You'll do amazing , bub . Just be yourself , charm your way into their hearts . I know you can do this ."

"Can I - can I ask for a favour ?"

"Always ."

"Bring me a cupcake when I get home ?"

Harry laughed , "Oh , bubbie , you're adorable . I'll get you a hundred cupcakes if you wanted ."

"Just one will do , thanks Hazzie ."

"Okay . For now , if you can , just have something with sugar , it'll soothe your nerves ."

"I'm at a caferetia , actually ."

"Good , just order yourself a hot chocolate , take your time to breathe in and out , and then go into that interview and make them fall in love with you ."

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