Ch. 10

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Friday noon Louis walked out of the school , mentally sighing in relief as he was ready to do nothing the whole weekend ; finals were his death . He looked around the parking lot and spotted Liam waiting for him , he approached his brother with a small smile .

"Hi Lou ." Liam smiled , the two got into the car and Liam pulled out of the parking spot , "We're stopping at Harry's bakery , he asked to see you because he couldn't pick you up from school ."

Louis blushed at the mention of Harry but nodded anyway , Liam smiled and said nothing about his blush .

Twenty five minutes later Liam parked outside the bakery , they got out and walked into the place . There were two workers behind the counter , one of them being the young lad Liam talked to the other day .

"Hey ." Liam approached the young lad , "Is Harry here ?"

"Yes , he's in the back . I could go get him for you ?" The lad said , Liam nodded , "That would be good , thank you . Also tell him his Louis is here ." He said with a smirk , causing Louis to smack his arm in embarrassment .

"His - his what ?" The lad asked , eyebrows raised .

"His Louis . Just tell him that , you'll see how fast he drops everything ." Liam said , purposely ignoring Louis pinching his bicep .

"Uhm , uh - okay ." The lad said and walked towards the office . He couldn't help but fix his apron and shirt , push his hair back and clear his throat before knocking on the door .

"Come in ."

The lad opened the door , "Mr. Styles ."

Harry looked up and smiled , "Hi Andy , you alright ?"

"Yes , thank you . Uhm . I - I was told to say that , that your Louis is here ?" Andy said , jealousy bubbling inside of him at how quickly Harry pushed his desk chair back and stood up , "Has he been waiting for a long time ?" He asked as he rushed to collect his papers .

"No , he just arrived , like , barely a minute ago ." Andy said .

"Alright , thank you Andy . I'll be right out ." Harry said and placed his collected papers aside .

Andy nodded and closed the door , rolling his eyes to himself before walking back to the front desk . "He'll be right out ." He told Liam and Louis .

"Thanks ." Liam nodded , "Also , could we get one vanilla cuppa and one hot chocolate please ?"

Andy nodded and told the other girl behind the desk the order , she nodded and went to make their drinks .

Liam paid Andy and recieved his change back , before Harry walked out of the office , a smile spreading across his lips at the sight of Louis , wearing his hoodie he gave him a while ago .

Louis looked up and smiled at Harry , blush covering his cheeks as Harry smiled back . Harry rounded the desk and approached Louis , pressing a loving kiss to his cheek , "Hi love ." He wasn't sure how Louis felt with kissing in public , so he just wrapped his arm around his waist and brought him closer .

"Hi Liam , you doing good ?" Harry asked , Liam said yes and thanked the girl when she handed them their drinks , passing Louis his hot chocolate .

Harry turned to Andy , "They didn't pay for these , right ?"

"They did , actually , sir ." Andy said , trying not to glare at Louis .

Harry sighed and turned to them , "I told you you two aren't allowed to pay for stuff here , didn't I ?"

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now