Ch. 22

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"I swear to god if you tell Zayn anything embarrassing tonight I'll get you back so bad ." Liam threatened , Louis laughed from his laying spot on the couch with his head on Harry's lap .

Liam invited Zayn to meet his family for the first time , and even though he knew it would be okay he still had to make sure Louis or Geoff didn't say anything embarrassing .

"Don't you forget I know everything about you and I can tell Harry here everything ." Liam threatened again , Louis blushed but nodded , making a gesture of a key and lock on his lips .

Harry leaned down and kissed his forehead , "How about you tell Zayn something about Liam so Liam can tell me something about you ?" He smirked , Louis shook his head and pouted .

Liam chuckled , "I can tell you stuff about him whether he tells Zayn something or not ."

Louis whined and shook his head again , grabbing a pillow to throw at Liam . Liam and Harry laughed , Louis kept pouting and crossed his arms over his chest .

"Tell me ." Harry encouraged , Liam glanced at Louis and smiled at his pleading face .

"He always says he's 5"9 but he's actually 5"3 ."

Harry , although he guessed it already , gaped at Louis . "You lied to me this whole time ??"

Louis hid his blush covered face behind his hands , peeking at Harry through his fingers and giggling at his over-exaggerated offended face .

"How could you do this to me ." Harry tickled him , "This isn't nice to fool people like that ."

Louis laughed and pushed his hand away from his belly , tangling their fingers together .

Then there was a knock on the door , and Liam raced to open it . Louis sat up and put his shoes on , standing up from the couch with Harry following with his arm around his waist .

Liam put his hand on the small of Zayn's back as he introduced him to Geoff . "This is my dad Geoff , dad this is Zayn ."

The two smiled and shook hands , Louis couldn't help but take a step back and hide behind Harry's back . Harry turned his head towards him and held his arm open , Louis pressed himself against Harry's side under his arm . Harry kissed the top of his head and rubbed his shoulder as Liam turned Zayn towards them .

"This little one is my brother Louis , and this is Harry , his boyfriend ." Liam introduced .

Harry held his hand out and shook Zayn's hand , Zayn looked at Louis , "Hi , heard a lot about you . Liam loves telling me about you ."

Louis blushed and took his offered hand , shaking it and nodding . Zayn gave him a soft smile before turning to Liam when he put his hand on his waist ; Liam told him Louis was mute and really shy , so it wasn't a surprise .

Harry looked down to Louis and kissed his forehead , "You're alright , it's just Liam's boyfriend ."

Louis nodded and leaned into his chest , Harry squeezed his cheeks with one hand and kissed his pouty lips , "Cutie ."


"So Zayn , tell us what you do for a living ." Geoff started a conversation after all the food was brought to the table .

"I'm an artist , I do a few things ." Zayn said , giving Liam a smile when he handed him a glass of water . "I paint and sell the paintings , tattoo sketches at a parlor downtown , wrote a few songs and sold them , photography ."

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