Ch. 23

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Louis reached his house after school , fishing around his bag for the keys , his heart skipping a beat when he couldn't find them .

He put the bag down and emptied it out , whining to himself when he realized he didn't have it . Geoff was away on a business trip for six days , and Liam was at the fire station . He rubbed his eyes before putting everything in his bag and sitting on the bench outside the door .

He looked down at his phone , wondering whether to text Harry or not . He wanted to , but he didn't want Harry to leave his workplace . Deep down he knew Harry would want him to text , but he didn't want to bother him .

He sat there for thirty minutes , and as it grew colder he realized he might aswell ask Harry to come get him .

He pulled his phone out , his thumbs dancing above the keyboard as he didn't know what to text .

Eventually he typed something quickly and sent it before he could regret or overthink it .

Hi Harry , Im kinda locked out of my house , is it too much to ask for you to come get me ?

He exited the chat and put his phone down , and surprisingly he got a reply in less than a minute .

Im on my way bub , will you be okay with me at the bakery or you want me to give you keys to my house ?

Bakery is fine . Thanks 💕

Alright . Im ten minutes away ♥️♥️

Louis smiled down at his phone before locking it , counting down the minutes .

Soon enough Harry pulled up into the driveway , Louis stood up and took his bag on his shoulder .

Harry got out of the car and smiled , "Hi love ."

Louis smiled and walked closer , Harry put his hands on his waist , "Were you sitting out here for long ?"

Louis shook his head , Harry brought one hand to cup his cheek , "Bub you're cold , there's no way you're sitting here for less than twenty minutes ."

Louis looked down , Harry kissed his forehead , "Let's go , I'll make you hot chocolate at the bakery ." He kissed his lips before the two got into the car .


Louis sat at one of the tables with his homework , a half full paper cup of hot chocolate and a small plate with a cupcake were at the corner of the table .

He was almost done when he felt arms wrap around him from behind and breathing near his ear , making him jump .

Harry chuckled , "Sorry , just came here to check in on you ." He kissed his cheek . Louis relaxed and put one hand on Harry's arm that was around him , nodding and scribbling down im almost done , maybe ten minutes and looked at Harry to make sure he read it .

Harry nodded , "Alright . And when you're done , I can kiss you properly , right ?"

Louis couldn't help the giggle leaving his lips , nodding with red blush on his cheeks . Harry smiled and kissed his temple , "Finish it up , don't take too long ." He said and left Louis to finish his homework .

Louis went back to his papers with a smile permanent on his lips and his cheeks red , he focused back on his maths to maybe try to finish it quicker .

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