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12th January 2019

I laid in my bed wide awake. I looked over and watched Daniels chest rise then fall again. I put my hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat. I glanced over to see the time. 4am... great... I tried to get comfy again and tried to fall back asleep... not like I was actually getting any while I was "sleeping"

Daniel shuffled around and turned me. His eyes slowly fluttered open. "Go back to sleep babe.." I ran my hands through his hair.

He nodded no. He pushed our bodies closer so our chests were touching. I looked up at him. He moved his lips onto mine. I put my tongue in. Our lips were moving in unison. I small moan escaped my mouth. He placed love bites on my neck making me want more...


Daniels alarm went off. I rolled over. My eyes were burning because I had no sleep last night. Daniel turned over and faced me. "You have fun last night?" He whispered in my ear making me smile like a fool.

"Lots..." I placed my hands on his cheek and squeezed them. Daniel tried to start again. I pulled away. "Nope.. you've gotta go to school.."

"You aren't coming in?"

"Nah..." I wanted too... I really wanted too. There was just something in me pulling me away, not making me want too.

"You May feel better. You don't have too.." he looked up at me.

"Maybe later.." I looked away. He looked upset. I couldn't look him in the eye.

"Alissa.. look at me..." his voice sounded sadder.

I got a lump in my throat. "Why won't you look me in the eye?" He questioned. He knew how much I was hurting, I tried to sugarcoat my feelings.

"I can't.." a tear fell down my face.

"Why? Tell me what it is?"

"Daniel, you're gonna be late. Just get ready for school.." I quickly responded dodging the question.

"Fine I-" mum walked in.

"Alissa, are you going in today? You're sister and I are going into school and work, you're gonna be home alone if you don't."

I shook my head and my mum left. "Bye, love you.." Daniel kissed cheek.

He walked over. I took his wrist and bought him down. "I love you..."

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