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23rd July 2019

Shawn and i were sat in the capital fm station and to say I wasn't freaking out would be a lie.

Roman- alissa, Shawn, how are you?

S- we are good, how are you?

R- I'm good, im good. How is it being in the uk? Shawn you've been here a few times before and Alissa?

A- I was here last year, this is my fourth time coming here

R- I know what you did last summer.. what a banger

A- what a banger

R- no seriously, it's on repeat, I love it so much

S- Thank you man, that means a lot

R- it's crazy because we played it and Alissa was dancing going crazy, and Shawn stood there not knowing what to do

A- Hes a lot more chill than me.

R- I'm not gonna ask how the song came about because I'm pretty sure everyone knows so how about we play a few games

A- yay, I love games

R- we are gonna play snog marry avoid.. the games pretty self explanatory

A- whats snog

S- to make out. Shawn quickly said

A- sorry you little Brit I chuckled while pulling the microphone closer to me.

R- okay, Alissa,

A- yes?

R- snog, Marry, avoid, Daniel seavey, jack gilinsky and mr Shawn Mendes

A- marry Shawn, snog jack and avoid Daniel. Been there, done that.

R- okay, Shawn. Snog marry avoid, Alissa. LOOK AT THE MASSIVE SMILE THAT WENT ON HIS FACE ONCE I SAID ALISSAS NAME! Selena Gomez or Sophia bush

A- forget this!! Marry Selena!

S- you want me to marry Selena?

A- you don't?

S- I would go, marry Alissa, snog Selena and avoid Sophia bush

R- you think Alissa would make a good wife?

S- Yeah. Shawn blushed

R- he's gone so red! Roman teased Shawn

A- stttoopp. I laughed at Shawn reaction

R- that's the end of snog marry avoid. I've got some questions from a few fans.

S- let's do it

R- Emily asked if we are going to get any music from Alissa?

A- I've got a collab coming with a really cool rapper.

S- it's a really cool song!

A- I've got another song but if I do release it which I don't think I will but that will come out after the collab. I've got a few things coming up.

R- can you say who the collab is with?

A- I can't , im so sorry. But it will come out in a few months, we would've released it earlier but I done this song with Shawn so I couldn't. But yes, it's going to happen.

R- I've got a question for Shawn..... when are you going to be announcing the tour dates?

S- look out on my Instagram tomorrow 2pm EST

R- this one is for both of you kinda. My friend had recently lost her mum and I don't know how to comfort her as she doesn't want to talk to anyone. Is there any advice you could give me?

I cleared my throat and looked at Shawn.

S- I would say listen to her. Even if it's the same stuff, just being there for her and knowing everything is going to be okay is the best advice I could give you.

A- I would say, I know when my dad died, I didn't leave my bed, I didn't talk. Don't force things on to her drop suggestions as REMind her it's going to get better over time. I'm still not completely over dads death and I cry over him still a lot. It's time.

S- try therapy, I know that helped a lot with Alissa

A- oh and, if it's been around a month that's when you have to be a little more strict with her. Because I didn't leave my bed for a month and the first time I took a shower and did my makeup I had to keep on reminding myself how good I felt once I did have a shower.

R- thank you guys for being here!!! Alissaand shawn everybody!!!


"What's this?" Shawn showed me a pregnancy test

"A pregnancy test.." I laughed awkwardly

"Why do you have four with you?" He two the other three out

"I take them every two weeks just in case." I took them from his hands and put them back in my bag

"Why though, you're on the pill right."

"Yes, but just in case because we still have unprotected sex." I tried to keep my cool but the tone in his voice was pissing me off "why are you getting so mad, it's not even that big of a deal."

"How many have you taken since we've been together?" He said completely dodging the question.

"I don't fucking know. I take one every two weeks."

"Why do I feel like you're lying."

"Do you want me to take a fucking test now so you know I'm not pregnant." I ripped the test packed open and went to pee on the stick.


"Take the fucking test!" I threw it at Shawn who was laying on the bed. "Why would you even accuse of me lying about something like that?" I raised my eyebrows

"I'm- I'm sorry alissa" he stuttered

"It's fine just if I say I'm doing it just in case, then please believe me"

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