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18th September 2019

"Where are you right now?" I said looking at my laptop screen as Shawn was on FaceTime with me.

"Amsterdam." He pulled the bed sheets over him "shit it's four in the morning for you!" He remembered that we didn't have the same time

"It's fine.." I chuckled "hows tour?" I yawned

"It's good, I love being on stage." He smiled

"I've seen a few pictures you look so happy."

"I am.." he fiddled with his bedsheets next to him

"How Brian?" I asked

"He's really good, he misses Aubrey like crazy, he won't shut up about her." Shawn playfully rolled his eyes

"Awwh, that's so sweet. I'm pretty sure they are on FaceTime because I can hear her talking," I looked at the wall that separated Shawn and i "when's the next show?"

"The day after tomorrow, I'm going to Munich." He smiled "what's going on with your mum then, are they still getting married."

"Funny you say that, she bought me a dress and asked me to be her maid of honour." I looked over at the box that was placed on the floor besides me.

"Yeah, and are you going to go?"

"Probably not. I'm not going to show up at a wedding and I don't think the couples going to work out. That's just not me you know." I tucked my hair behind my ears. "Your mum and dad are going right."

"They should be." Shawn looked into the air to try and remember what they said.

"Mum should honestly get Karen to be the maid of honour." I joked

"Is Amber going to go?"

"Nope," I popped my "p" "she's said she's not going to go if I'm not, I'm still going to force her to go because she literally shares a house with them and it's better if one of us go then none."

"You have a video shoot the day after tomorrow, Right?"

"Yeah, I'm getting a fitting done at the house tomorrow to see what I'm going to wear."

"What's the video based around?"

"It's kinda like a Romeo Juliet kinda thing, I don't know too much about it to be honest." I chuckled

"Is anyone going with you?"

"Besides from Roger, I don't think so, why?" I pouted my lips at Shawn

"Aubrey isn't."

"I don't think so, why babe?"

"Just in case they want you guys to kiss or something."

"Don't worry, if we do have to kiss I'll make sure it short and sweet." I kissed my camera making Shawn laugh.


We had been on FaceTime for quite a while And my eyes started closing. I put my phone down as I was on it because I had to text amber. I looked back to screen and saw Shawn was fast asleep.

I looked at the time and saw it was now 6am. "Night Shawn, love you.." I said before closing my eyes and falling asleep not declining the call.

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