Chap. 1: When everything started

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I was thrown into a cell and locked in «Yah! Assholes! Let me out!» I yelled kicking the bars, I groaned when I didn't receive any answer «FUCK YOU!»I went to the end of the cell and sat, then my two cellmates reached me«Yah! Already back in?» sai...

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I was thrown into a cell and locked in «Yah! Assholes! Let me out!» I yelled kicking the bars, I groaned when I didn't receive any answer «FUCK YOU!»
I went to the end of the cell and sat, then my two cellmates reached me
«Yah! Already back in?» said the tall one
«Aish, Toxic really? You're so young and you keep getting arrested... How did they catch you this time?» asked the short one.

I smirked at my friends Red and Axe, we all had nicknames in here, I never really knew why but I liked it.
«You two! I missed you!» I stood up and hugged them, the two were older than me, Red was 43 years old, she was sentenced to life prison sadly, all because she cut the throat of this random judge that was corrupted and sentenced her daughter to death. That's where her nickname come from, because of all the blood she spilled that day. While Axe was 28 years old, she's sentenced to 30 years of prison, because with an ax she cut her rapist dick and head. They were both really nice, they just lost their minds and did something stupid, you should never ask about that to them though, it triggered the shit out of them and they could have become violent. I experienced it.

«Well, I was unlucky. Like always..» I started


So I was running away like my life depended on that which was like that, I was escaping without too many problems but guess what? The assholes let the dogs run behind me. Like the fuck? Those shits can kill me.
Anyway, I kept running dodging people and almost losing my loot, I turned into an alley thinking it was the right way to escape but as you know I'm not in Seoul from a long time and being always in and out of this prison didn't give me enough time to explore it properly.

Ah shit! It's a dead end. I'm fucked. Shit. This wasn't in my plans. Aish...

I thought to myself panicking, while trying to find a solution, I saw a huge trashcan and gulped.

I guess that's my only option...

So I threw my loot in there and then jumped in. And let me tell you, that garbage smelled worst than shit and puke and every disgusting smell all combined, but hey, I was desperate!
I thought I made it since they didn't found me, so after an hour I jumped out with everything and made my way to the crowded streets trying to reach my fucking house but I got lost and as I was passing for the third time in front of the same damn jewelry, a cop stopped me, now who in the world knew that every unit in the city had a picture of me and knew I was wanted? Only God knew.

*End of flashback*

«So the dick head handcuffed me and brought me here, they made me took a shower cause apparently I smelled like garbage and here I am. Are you entertained enough?» I asked them chuckling
«Aww Toxic, you really are unlucky.» commented Axe «Maybe you should call yourself Misfortune instead of Toxic.»
«Nah Toxic fits me perfectly. Ya know I'm a toxic person. And I take good people on a bad way.» I shrugged going to the top bunk, I saw my belongings still there «Aww you girls, you left everything in place how sweet.»
Red smirked sitting on the bunk under me «I knew my daughter-in-law would have come back home.»
The three of us were literally a small family, Red was the mother while I and Axe were her daughters. We hoped that we could fill a little bit of the empty hole her daughter's death left. After all, she was a single mother, grieving her only child and loved one death. I pitied her. I also never really had a maternal figure to look up too and care for me and Red was so amazing.

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