💕Chap.12: Jelly much?💕

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Jisoo yelled back «They're my best friends and Manoban, no, Lisa is

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Jisoo yelled back «They're my best friends and Manoban, no, Lisa is...»

I am what?

Jisoo took a deep breath and said «Lisa is my girlfriend.»
Everyone was shocked, myself included but I guess if she told them that, she had a good reason, so I played her game cause I wasn't an idiot and back hugged her with one hand pulling her towards me, while with the other I had to keep the gun pointed, Axe exclaimed «No fucking way! Jisoo, you despise her!» Red yelled
«Guns down!!!» everyone followed her order and I also said
«Girls, you too.» Jennie groaned while Chaeyoung sighed, both following my order. Red reached us and looked at me straight in the eyes
«So you're dating our Jisoo, from how long?»
I said «Not too long actually, a week. Right Jichu?» Jisoo looked at me and nodded for then look at Red and smile, Red caressed gently her cheek and asked her
«Are you happy with her my daughter?» Jisoo nodded «Then, fine. I trust you. But I'm still not fully trusting the girls with you. And you» she looked at me «take care of her, or else, Axe will chop your head off after I will skin you alive.»

Insane much?

I nodded remaining calm «Don't worry about her.»
There was clearly tension in the air so Jihyo yelled «Let's go back to party ne?» everyone cheered except for me, Jisoo, Jennie, Rosè, Axe and Red, we looked at each other then Red sighed «Welcome to the gang.» Red patted my right shoulder and the tension seemed to disappear.

Everyone went inside leaving me and Jisoo behind, she was also about to go, when I took her wrist and turned her around pulling herself into me «So I am your girlfriend uh?»
Jisoo's cheeks were red and she rolled her eyes «I just didn't want anyone killed.»
I smirked «Are you sure you don't like me?»
Jisoo tried to push herself away «Bitch please. By the way, for this week we're all gonna sleep here. So yeah. Me and Jihyo won't come back to the academy before this week is over.»
I nodded «Fine, then I'm going to sleep here and with you. I still have to keep you under control. And I'm your Marshal. So you don't have any word in this.»
Jisoo's eyes widened «A-Ani! You won't sleep with me! You may rape me!!!»
I chuckled «I don't want to rape anyone jagiya. I will make you beg for me..» my tone went really deep in the last sentence, which made Jisoo gulp and become even redder
«Y-Y-Ya! You perv!!!!» she slapped my shoulder and tried to get free, but I wasn't planning on letting her go, or at least not before telling her a pickup line «Is your name winter? Because you'll be coming soon.» she chocked on her saliva and was able to push herself away from me
I chuckled «Says the girl who started this little game of ours.»
Jisoo turned around «Whatever.» she went inside and I followed her.

It's gonna be fun here. And maybe it's the time I can arrest everyone in here. Oh my gosh I would be so accomplished.

As soon as we reached the others, I noticed a lot of guys were also there which I didn't saw before, a girl with long black hair and bunny teeth said to Jisoo «Hun, introduce us to your new friends and girlfriend.» Jisoo sighed and nodded smiling «So, my girlfriend is Lalisa Manoban, she's a Marshal, she's 22 years old (A/N: My sister told me that in Korea they count as a year even the time you were in your mom's tummy, soo, they're one year older) and Thai. Near her the lady with cat eyes is Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, a General, 23 years old and Korean of course. The girl with a sweet face is Chaeyoung Park, English name Roseanne, she's the same age as Lisa, and she's Australian even though her parents are Korean. So we could say she's half half.» Jisoo turned towards us and said «Girls, these are some of my closest friends, they kinda are divided in groups like the girls without me, Red and Axe included are called Twice, the guys without Jin Soo are GOT7, but anyway, let me introduce them one by one which will take me a while. Aish... Weah me?! So, you already know Red, Axe, BamBam, Jin Soo and Jihyo, so I'm not gonna introduce them to you. So, the girl with bunny teeth is Im Nayeon, she's 24 and Korean, next to her» she went on to introducing everyone and when she was done she said «Wow, it seemed like I had to make a report to the police or something.»

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