Chap.42: Confrontation

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Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit

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Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I ain't ready at all. Send help!!!!

Jisoo thought, they were in silence from something like five minutes, she sure didn't want to start so she kept silent and it seemed Lisa wanted the younger to start but Jisoo's was just like, heck nah to ah to the no no no!

Lisa sighed and said «I guess you won't start. Fine. Let's start then.»
Jisoo nodded and felt her heart starting to beat faster, she was hella nervous «L-Let's start.»

Jisoo thought again..

What if I jump out the window and run away? Khm, nope, not a good idea since we're not ground level and I'm definitely not an athletic person...

«So» Lisa started «We clarified at the hospital that both of us have feelings for each other but, I know how scared you are of love, relationship and commitment.»
Jisoo got a chills down her spine at the last three nominated words and said crossing her arms «Who said I'm scared? I surely am not.»
Lisa raised an eyebrow «Oh please, stop lying, everyone can clearly see it, your so evasive about that stuff. You just got chills only by hearing those terms.»
«Whatever. You can't understand.» Jisoo pouted looking at her right
«So you admit that you are scared uh?»
Jisoo looked back at the woman in front of her, both her eyebrows raised «Wanna die?»
Lisa chuckled «As if you would be able to kill me. Now Jisoo, back to the main matter. I'll be straight, I want you to be my girlfriend.»


Jisoo mentally exclaimed. Her heart started pounding strong and rapidly, she felt as she would have had an heart attack at any moment, she didn't have butterflies in her stomach, no, heck she had a full zoo. The younger cheeks were red and hot, mouth slightly apart while she was looking in Lisa's beautiful brown eyes, they were so sincere and sweet.
Her mouth was suddenly dry along with her throat, her velvet voice seemed to be gone in vacation, her brain momentarily shut down. Her previously crossed arms fell limp at her sides.
Her anxiety was rising, so her breath picked up, what was she supposed to say? She was terrorized. She didn't want to be hurt that bad again, didn't want to trust someone for that someone to leave her and break her already cracked heart. It wasn't a long time since she was able to put it back together in some ways.

«Jisoo? Do you want to be my girlfriend? Yes or no?» Lisa asked sweetly

Jisoo's body completely shut down, how could a simple question which required a simple answer have this effect on her?

Lisa kept watching the younger wondering what was going with her, the younger seemed almost a mannequin, with red cheeks and eyes blinking but those were details.

«Jisoo? Are you with me? On this planet?» Lisa asked laying one hand on Jisoo's thigh, which made the latter jump a little and snap back to reality
«I-I....» Jisoo let out but stopped
Lisa took both Jisoo's hands in hers «It's a one word answer, it's simple, yes or no?»
Jisoo sighed and looked down remembering her sisters words while she was in a coma «Lisa, I» she sighed «I, I'm gonna be honest with you. It's true I am scared of all the things you said but, I have my reasons.»
Lisa pushed «Which are?»
«You know about Eun Rin cheating on me and I know Jihyo told you our story so I'm not gonna repeat it. But, that is not the only reason, as you know my biological parents divorced... You'll see, khm, my so called father told me this the day I almost died, basically, all the problems started with my birth... So, khm, my parents always loved each other, it was such an amazing relationship to be jealous about, when they had Ji Yoon they were the happiest. My dad just wanted a child, not more. But, my mom got pregnant again, of me... My "father" wanted her to abort, but she was against it, she wanted me... So they... They started fighting, things weren't bad until....» Jisoo sighed feeling guilty «Until I was born.... Things started to escalate and in two years everything became a mess, to the point where they divorced. They kept fighting, in and outside our house, that bastard, one day, he-he started hitting my mom. I was little and couldn't do anything, my mom always told Ji Yoon to bring me back to my room, you know Ji Yoon was 9 years older than me, so she understood the situation better and always did her best to keep that horrible things from me... But I knew Lisa, I always knew what was happening. I didn't know that all that mess started because of me, but since I was, you know, able to see and kinda use my own brain I knew... Plus, how couldn't I not notice my mom's bruises? I so wanted to help but I couldn't.... I was useless... I was so happy the day they divorced and we moved to London. I was 12, they divorced when I was 11. In London, when we were in London I thought everything would have changed and been better but» Jisoo shook her head «but it didn't... The first two months everything went well, then she met my second "father", after two years he moved in with us and since she had a men in her life again everything was just like before. She didn't spend much time with me and neither with Ji Yoon, our second father liked the both of us and considered us as his daughters too. But one year before Ji Yoon got killed, our biological father when we... When we were on a hike in the mountains and my second father was gone for a while along a path we didn't want to go since it didn't look safe, our biological father, well, he...» I felt tears starting to fall down my cheeks as I remembered that day «H-He killed mom. He sh-shoot her. He FUCKING CORNERED HER, ME AND JI YOON WITH A HUGE GORGE BEHIND US! HE SHOOT HER WITHOUT EVEN BULGE! ALL THOSE YEARS HE SAID HE LOVED HER! HE KILLED HER BECAUSE HE "LOVED" HER AND DIDN'T WANT ANOTHER MEN AROUND HER! NOW TELL ME, TELL ME HOW CAN'T I BE AFRAID?! HOW CAN I TRUST AND LOVE?!» Jisoo dried her tears and Lisa was connecting all the pieces together as she listened to Jisoo revealing her past «And then if that wasn't enough, after he, he killed her, he tried to push me down the cliff... He hated me to the point of wanting me dead... I survived because of Ji Yoon, who was able to take his gun and shot him in his leg and his shoulder making him run away...»

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