Chap.40: Jealousy, rebellion and teasing pt.2

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I was visiting Jisoo with Mina and since I entered the room, I felt a really tense air, the two glared at each other and seemed not in good terms

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I was visiting Jisoo with Mina and since I entered the room, I felt a really tense air, the two glared at each other and seemed not in good terms.

«Ya, dumb penguin.» I called Jisoo
«Ne?» answered Mina
«Oh, no, not you Mina, I will never call you dumb.» I explained «I was referring to the retarded girl in bed.»
She nodded and Jisoo said «Dumb who you pregnant bitch?!»
«Pregnant!? Are you telling me I'm fat?»
She retorted «Are you saying I'm not smart?»
I nodded «Yeah.»
She made an 'O' with her mouth and said «Well, I guess I kinda am. Look at me, I have you as my best friend, Lisa as my girlfriend and the gang as a family.»
Lisa and Mina said together «Ya! Why did you put us in!?»
Me and Jisoo looked at each other seriously and remained silent for a little for then burst out laughing, I went to her and hugged her, when we both stopped and asked her in Italian «Allora Jisoo, dimmi che succede con la tua così chiamata, ragazza. Sento una strana tensione.» (So Jisoo, tell me what's going on with your so called, girlfriend. I feel a weird tension.»
Jisoo sighed and replied in Italian too «È una fottuta doppia faccia. Dice di amarmi etc, ma poi ci prova con quella dottoressa che sembra provarci a sua volta. E proprio di fronte a me!!» (She's a fucking double face. She says she loves me etc, but then flirt with that [female] doctor who seems to flirt back. And right in front of me!!)
I raised an eyebrow «Sei sicura?» (Are you sure?)
Jisoo firmly nodded and Chaerin entered so my best friend said «Guarda entrambe. Vedrai che ho ragione.» (Look at both. You'll see that I'm right.)
I nodded and looked at the two who were quite touchy with each others and had some flirtatious actions indeed. I was really mad, how could she?!

Oh you bitch first Jennie now Chaerin. You really need pussy in your life! You unloyal motherfucker, if you think I'll let you get near Jisoo in a romantic way. Be ready to fight me. You didn't even told her about you and Jennie happily fucking!

I glared at the two, cause Chaerin knew they were a couple, so I also got an idea, still in Italian I told Jisoo «Ho un'idea, Lisa è gelosa di Bobby se non te ne sei accorta. Usa questo a tuo vantaggio. Pretendi di provarci con lui.» (I've got an idea, Lisa is jealous of Bobby if you didn't notice it. Use this as your advantage. Pretend to flirt with him.)
Jisoo smirked and nodded «Sei un genio Jihyo.» (You're a genius Jihyo.)

As if that was planned, Bobby also entered the room, so me and Jisoo looked at each other and smirked, for then start with our plan.

Jisoo said «Hey Bobby! I missed you, how could you leave your favorite girl alone?»
He chuckled and reached us kissing Jisoo's forehead, I glanced at Lisa and saw her irritated face so I add up to the situation, since I'm a good best friend «Bobby, Jisoo told me that she would like to go out with you as soon as possible, is there any way that maybe tomorrow or after tomorrow you two could go out? She really likes you, you lucky bastard, it's hard for Jisoo to like someone this fast.»
Bobby looked surprised and said «Really? Cool. Jisoo-ya, we could be amazing friend!» Jisoo nodded and I heard an irritated scoff from behind me, of course it was Lisa, then Bobby continued «But about hanging out, well, I can't, I'm sorry. This job doesn't really gives you free time. Seems like people like to die or get sick.»
Jisoo joked «Like me! Me and Death have this weird love-hate relationship, everytime we get closer we start to hate each other and I'm back.»
Me and Bobby chuckled while he removed Jisoo's covers and sat on the free side of the bed, for then put his hands on Jisoo's legs «Now Jisoo, tell me, if it hurts when I will press certain spots on your legs.»
Jisoo nodded and Bobby started pressing gently various parts, Jisoo didn't even flinch «Good, good.» commented Bobby for then move to her thighs «Now, if you're uncomfortable tell me, okay?»
Jisoo nodded and said «Don't worry I won't. I know you're not planning to rape me or stuff like that.»
He smiled and started pressing in various places, when he pressed on the top part of the tight not far from her core she whimpered and said «It hurts a little, but because I hit it while I was in the bathroom.»
Bobby pursed his lips and said «Are you sure? It could be an inflamed or stretched muscle. Let me take a look.»
Bobby leaned down a little to inspect Jisoo's spot that hurt and said «Yeah, it's what I thought, you overworked your legs and the muscle now hurts, in fact, if I press the same spot on the other leg» he did as told and Jisoo whimpered «you should feel hurt. Exactly. So here's what you gotta do, I'll give you some cream to apply, when you do that don't just put it on, give it a little massage.»
Jisoo nodded and I said knowing Lisa was probably fuming and was looking trying to stay calm «Why the first time you do that to her, so she can see the proper way? And I can see too?»
He raised an eyebrow «I don't wanna make her feel uncomfortable and maybe her girlfriend would not like that.»
Jisoo played along «Oh no, it's fine. She's right, after all I wanna heal. Don't mind Lisa, what matters it's if it bothers me or not. And it doesn't.» Jisoo gave him a gentle and flirty smile, so he nodded and stood up
«I'm gonna go take it and we'll proceed, okay?»
We nodded and he went out under Manoban's burning glare.

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