🔞Chap.55: Proposal or misunderstanding?🔞

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The two after getting rid of their remaining clothes and taking a quick shower, slept peacefully the whole night in each other embraces, not caring about anything or anyone

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The two after getting rid of their remaining clothes and taking a quick shower, slept peacefully the whole night in each other embraces, not caring about anything or anyone.

As Lisa's alarm went off, since superiors woke up sooner than cadets, Jisoo groaned and dragged herself under the covers now having her face nuzzled in Lisa's abs for how low she went. Lisa was also waking up and for a moment was confused about Jisoo's position but then she felt her breath on her abs, so she raised the cover and looked down at a back to sleep Jisoo making her giggle and whisper «Only I could find myself such a lazy girlfriend...» Lisa entangled her fingers in her lover's hair while slightly bending to reach her more comfortably «Jisoo, Jisoo-yah, it's time to wake up you sleepy head.»
Jisoo groaned and hugged Lisa's waist «No... My ass hurts and I'm sleepy... Goodnight.»
Lisa giggled «Jisoo, don't make me command you to wake up.»
She groaned and nuzzled her face in Lisa's abs more deciding to also leave some soft kisses here and there. As much Lisa loved that she said «I would love us to stay here but we have training to do, so up my love. Rise and shine!!»
Jisoo groaned and looked up at me pouting and asked with aegyo «Can I sleep and not do anything? Please~!»
Again, as much Lisa found Jisoo's aegyo really adorable and hard to resist she said firmly still smiling «No. Get up.»
Jisoo rolled her eyes and threw the covers away, she then crawled on top of Lisa and pecked her lips for then hug her, which Lisa did back and Jisoo said «I missed you this past few days... I know I've hurt you... I'm sorry.»
Lisa kissed the younger head «It's okay. Mistakes are what make us grow, I missed you too a lot. And at lunch I wanna talk to you about why you acted this way, so we will eat in my office some pizza cause I'm craving pizza. And we will talk, okay?»
Jisoo sighed «Okay...»
Lisa playfully slapped Jisoo's butt making the younger whine «Now, up.»
Jisoo got out of the bed and said «Please let my ass alone for the next week. It needs to heal and chill a little.»
Lisa chuckled and stood up too «Let's get ready I have one of your uniforms here.»
Jisoo stretched and yawned «I know you do... I spend more nights here than in my room and apart from Jihyo my roommates are getting suspicious. But nothing to worry about.»
Jisoo took her clean uniform from Lisa's closet and also threw Lisa hers, the two dressed and got ready.

They made their way out walking with their arms linked, since they couldn't hold hands if they wanted their relationship to be a secret. They kept it a secret so people wouldn't think that Jisoo or Jihyo being already her best friends, were treated differently.

As they reached the canteen and took their food they sat with Jennie and Chaeyoung.

Jennie punched the table in frustration «Oh come on! I wanted to kidnap Jisoo!»
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes while Lisa was trying to understand the reactions and Jisoo simply asked «What the fuck?! Why kidnap me?! I'm already traumatized!»
Jennie said «We wanted to force you to talk to Lisa. Since you were avoiding her.»
Lisa whined «Unnie, you have weird solutions and tendencies. Stop it.»

The morning went on well, Jihyo and Jisoo followed the orders diligently. Even though Jisoo panicked a little in certain situations but thanks to the girls and Lisa she was able to be okay and go on. The two were good at hiding their relationship and no one had nothing against the five girls friendship. After all, the three superiors treated the two fairly, just like the others, they were very serious about their job. So of course Jisoo had something to say like always, it seemed like the youngest just couldn't follow the orders without complaining a little or annoying a little the superiors. But overall, as said, it went fine.

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