Chap.35: Dream or reality?

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I woke up with a headache, surrounded only by darkness

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I woke up with a headache, surrounded only by darkness.

Ugh... Where am I? What happened to me?
Oh... Shit did I die? Am I in heaven? But there's no chickin.... Then... AM I IN HELL?! But there's no fire or Satan or you know hell stuff...

I stood up from the ground and rubbed my eyes thinking I might be dreaming or something, why was everything black?

I heard familiar voices far in the distance, I couldn't understand well, but I was sure they were saying something about wanting me to come back.

From where am I supposed to come back?

I tried to ran towards the voices, but they never got any nearer, I was really confused and I was starting to panic. So just like that, I broke down crying because a panic attack was hitting me. Hard.

Me, Lisa, Chaeyoung and Jihyo were visiting Jisoo, narrating her what happened these days

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Me, Lisa, Chaeyoung and Jihyo were visiting Jisoo, narrating her what happened these days.

It was already two weeks and nothing seemed to get better, Jihyo and Lisa were the saddest out of everyone, devasted, Lisa's heart was breaking a little everyday that passed without any progress. We were back at teaching at the academy along with Jihyo training but Lisa was always near Jisoo's side, she didn't want to leave her and we knew there was no way to make her change her mind, the girl was stubborn.

While we were peacefully telling everything to Jisoo and Chaerin was doing some paperwork in the room since she couldn't leave, suddenly the machine who was monitoring her heartbeat and vital signs, started beeping faster and louder, making me have basically a heart attack, while the other three were now really scared and Chaerin stood up quickly telling us to go out as she started assisting Jisoo, nurses also came in and pushed us outside. We had no idea what was happening. All I knew was that Lisa was basically about to collapse for how worried she was, while Jihyo soon fainted, but luckily Rosie got her.

I said to Lisa «Lili, please calm down. It's a good thing, I think, I mean she didn't have a response to anything, nothing happened this past two weeks but now it happened. It means her body is still alive and fighting. It doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing.»

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