Chap.31: Guts

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It was the end of the second day, the second day of torture

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It was the end of the second day, the second day of torture. I felt drained and so so weak. I haven't eaten in two days except breakfast the day before, they only gave me water, I was loosing a lot of blood, that was it. It was now my moment to go, only a miracle could have saved me. But I wasn't in a book or a movie, it was real life and if nothing had happened till then, well, surely nothing would have happened at the very last.

I felt life leaving me when my "father" yelled «Oh no you little bitch! You're not gonna die so soon! Small P get our doctor, tell him it's urgent! I'm still not done with her! She can't die now!»

Suddenly my ears started ringing as the sounds and voices around me became distant and unclear, my eyes got heavier and I couldn't stay awake. That was really it. It was the end of my journey. Goodbye world.

I was pacing back and forth trying to calm down a little, it was the day after she got kidnapped, it was already midnight and we didn't have any idea of where she was

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I was pacing back and forth trying to calm down a little, it was the day after she got kidnapped, it was already midnight and we didn't have any idea of where she was. Was she even still alive?

I wasn't the only one panicking everyone was, but the two Generals and our Marshal were still composed even though probably Lisa was freaking out just as much as me. The previous night since I couldn't sleep I wanted to go for a walk in the house, but I heard sobs coming from her room, so I went in.


I knocked on the door and whispered not wanting to wake up everyone since the gang slept there too «Lisa, it's me, Jihyo, can I come in? Don't worry, I won't judge you, I held crying Jisoo many many times...»
«I-It's open, come in, I have no problem.» I heard her weak, broken voice

So I slowly entered and closed the door locking it behind me, for then go to her side, sitting near her and engulfing her with my arms, she hugged me back and I started crying too, yes, both of us were breaking down in front of each other cause we weren't like Jisoo, we knew there was nothing to be ashamed of.

«J-Jihyo, we gotta find her. She's the girl I decided to give my heart, she's the girl I love, the one I wanna take care for the rest of my life and further, even when we're dead. She became the most important person, she brought a new wave of joy in my life. I need her. I really do. And not just for sex, not because I want someone to pass my time with cause I'm bored. I wanna spend time with her, share many things and memories with her, cause I fucking love her! I love her Jihyo! I've never been this in love in my whole life! And I had a lot, like A LOT of relationships. And I know were not together, but it's only a matter of time, she's scared and confused and in denial, I can see it. I can feel it. We gotta find her! And I have no idea on what to do! We can't even track her phone!»
I nodded «Yeah, w-we gotta find her and we will. She's a strong girl, trust me. If she survived through all that happened to her until now, then she will survive this one too. And, I can see she likes you, it's just that those feelings are so foreigners to her. She keeps saying she likes you just as a friend but I'm almost 100% sure it's more. She really needs someone like you. You two are made for each other. It was already decided by fate.»

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