💥Chap.53: BTS vs JISOO💥

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It's been three days that Jisoo was avoiding Lisa, I knew the reason she was freaking out, I have also talked with Jihyo

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It's been three days that Jisoo was avoiding Lisa, I knew the reason she was freaking out, I have also talked with Jihyo. But honestly, there was nothing to freak-out about, it was a nice thing.

That day Lisa would have been absent the whole day because she had a couple of meetings and I was planning to stop Jisoo from avoiding her cause she was feeling really hurt, she didn't understand why Jisoo was avoiding her, what she did wrong.

Something came in my mind, there was just one way to make everything alright, Lisa had to ask her what she wanted to ask her so Jisoo would have seen it was a good thing and nothing to freak-out about. Even because we had enough milk, chocolate, candies and everything that she would come up to when she went out buying stuff we were "out".

The question now was.... How?

I thought about it deeply sometimes spacing out but thanks God Jennie was there with me. After the morning session it was lunch time, me and Jennie would have been alone since Jisoo and Jihyo had to attend lunch out with the group BTS, Jihyo seemed irremovable about the idea of them getting finally along, in her opinion Jisoo just needed to see that they were different.

To me and Jennie wasn't a problem being alone, even before the girls arrived Lisa would have to go to meetings and we would be alone, it was completely okay, specially since I wanted to involve in my mission my dear unnie, Jennie.

When we were finally settled I told her «Unnie, you must help me.»
She raised an eyebrow «With what?»
«The whole Lisa and Jisoo situation. I can't bare to see Lisa suffer more. We must make sure that that monkey asks that huge chicken that is supplying us with everything and more, whatever she wants to do and ask. So Jisoo, would know that she was an idiot and they will most likely have a lot of sex but that's none of our business. Are you in?»
Jennie nodded «Yeah, till now I always end up ruining their relationship so I will happily help you. Do you have any idea?»
I shook my head «Nope. That's also why I included you into this.»
Jennie brushed her hands together «Niiiiice. Then how about doing this, you ask Lisa where she is planning to do the whole thing so we know where we're gonna bring Jisoo telling her that she is fine and we wanna help. Now about Jisoo, I was thinking about tiyng Jisoo up, blindfold her and drag her even against her will to the meeting place.» Jennie had this evil but proud grin that made me shiver
«Unnie, no. Jisoo is still traumatized.»
Jennie shook her head taking a sip of her water shrugging «She says she's fine.»
I rolled my eyes «When did Jisoo ever admitted that she wasn't fine? Except sometimes when it's Lisa or Jihyo asking?»
Jennie said «Then let's ask Jihyo and Lisa if she's really fine.»
«Unnie, you have this kidnapping tendencies sometimes that I honestly worry about you being actually a kidnapper.»
Jennie smiled evilly «I wouldn't be this obvious.»
I shivered and she started laughing «Unnie, you're really really dumb.»


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