💥Chap.15: Mission day💥

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Everyone was now in the main office getting ready to go

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Everyone was now in the main office getting ready to go. Today was the day X, the day of the mission. Jihyo approached Jisoo with a mad expression «I know you told Red and Axe to don't make me go with you, why!? I thought we were a duo!»
Jisoo sighed and looked at her «Jihyo, the mission was now too dangerous and we could die. You have parents, siblings, relatives. I have no one compared to you, the people I have will get over it within a year or so, if you die, the people you have, your family and relatives wouldn't take just one year, they would grieve your death forever. I can't permit this. I want to be sure you're safe. Understand me please.»
Jihyo slapped her making everyone go silent and look at them «YOU MORON!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WAY OF TALKING!? DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD!? WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS UH!? I'M SO MAD AT YOU KIM JI SOO!!»

Jisoo was holding her cheek when she sighed and looked away, Jihyo went to Momo and Jeongyeon, while two arms wrapped around Jisoo's waist, it was Lisa.

«Are you okay?» asked Lisa perfectly knowing the younger was all except from okay, Jisoo shrugged
«She'll get over it. It's not the first time.»

Jisoo wanted to remove her Marshal arms from around her, but she knew she had to act and she needed some comfort. She turned around and hugged the older, hiding her face in her neck, surprising Lisa with her action but hey, she didn't complain.

«Okay guys!» started Red «It's time. Someone as any questions?» she looked around but no one talked «Awesome. So me and Axe will coordinate everything from here with Sana and JB, Rosé I hope you won't get killed in chosing to work so near the action place. And guys, remember, always use your nicknames from now on, okay? Understood Peach, Dubu and No Jam Siblings?» Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon nodded, while Rosé smiled and said
«Don't worry. I'm not that easy to tear down, plus I don't think they will see me if I'm on a tree.»


Our Marshal and our cadet were now searching the entrance of the secret passage, while the others took carefully care of all the guards and taking their places, after some minutes Jisoo whisper-yelled «PokPak, I've found it! It's under this leaves and branches.»
She reached me and helped me move everything «Good job Toxic.»
Jisoo took the little knob and tried to open it but being in disuse she wasn't able to, so Manoban also grabbed it and the two pulled with all their strength together finally opening, but since it opened so suddenly, the two lost balance, Jisoo with her back facing Lisa on top of her on the ground. They quickly stood up, Jisoo blushed, thing the other girl didn't notice because of the darkness, the sunset was passed from half an hour already.

When they entered, they both made a disgusted face because of the bad smell inside, it was really dark, so they both took out a little flashlight that didn't had a strong light in case someone was around but it was still enough, Lisa took a hold of Jisoo's hand going first and commanded «Don't let my hand go. Or else I'll punish you.»
«I won't don't worry. We're on a mission and I'm willing to do everything to make things safer and easier.» Jisoo said plainly
«Good girl.» complimented Manoban.

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