Chap.34: I will still hope for it

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None of us was crying anymore, why? Probably because we had no tears left to cry

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None of us was crying anymore, why? Probably because we had no tears left to cry. We were in silence, some people resting their heads on the person beside them shoulder, someone was hugging, holding hands and stuff, but no one talked.

Why are they taking so long!? WHY!?

As if they heard me whining, a doctor FINALLY came to us, we all stood up and we all asked «So?»
The doctor looked at us «Are you Jisoo's family? Which are your relations with her?»
I spoke pointing at the various people «I'm her girlfriend, those two are her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, the others are basically her family too.»
Jihyo spoke «I'm her best friend basically sister. You can talk to everyone.»
The doctor shook his head «I can talk only with family members and I can aloud only them to see her.»
Red got furious and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt «Do you know who you're talking to? I am the leader of The Burners Family. I make the rules. You all must follow them. And I say that everyone here is aloud to see her or know what's up. We also have three people of the army so you better cooperate.»
The doctor gulped and nodded so Red let him free «F-Fine.» he cleared his throat «So, the patient lost a lot of blood, her body is covered in bruises, cuts and burns, which technically shouldn't leave any kind of scar. She died two times. Once because of the blood loss, but for some kind of miracle we were able to bring her back and give her the blood she needed while stitching her and taking care of her. The second time for a cardiac arrest, her body must have been too much under pressure lately, and all the new blood and medicines and procedures to cure her added even more stress so her heart gave up. It happens often don't worry, so we were able to bring her back. As soon as we saw she was stable we brought her in a room in intensive care, so you must enter two or three at times not more. She has visiting hours that even you need to respect.» we all hugged and cried tears of joy.

Jisoo was alive.

They saved her.

She was strong enough.

The doctor cleared his throat and said «She still hasn't woke up and, here's the bad news, we're not sure if she will ever wake up. And if she does she may have some collateral effects, which I will tell you eventually.»

My heart dropped along with my smile and with a broken voice I said «So you're saying that, she-she– That my Jisoo is... Is alive b-but it's like she's not?»
The doctor sadly nodded «Basically. I'm really sorry. Also, the hospital bills for her cures and keeping her here will be high.»
Red said «Money aren't a problem. I want you to give her the best room, the best cures and all your attentions. She comes first than anyone else here, arasso?»
The doctor nodded «Okay, we will assign her a personal doctor, okay? One of our bests.»
Axe corrected him «The best. We want the best.»
He nodded once again «We will give you the best. But we got other patients so it's a lot if I give you a personal one. You may now visit the patient. She's in room 125 but tomorrow she will be moved in room 367 of the VIP section. Okay?»
«Amazing.» said Red

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