Chap.48: Just like when everything started

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It's been a week since me and Lisa fought

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It's been a week since me and Lisa fought. Today, today everything restart, the training, the horrible sweat, the annoying comrades, the annoying superiors and the annoying, but hot Marshal of mine always around me.

I was adjusting my helmet, it felt weird, it was so long since I had wore the army uniform. Jihyo was beside me refreshing my memory a little and making sure I wore everything correctly.

«Chu, are you ready? I mean, since your situation...» Jihyo asked carefully
I looked at her confidently «Remember how everything started?» Jihyo scrunched her eyebrows confused and nodded «Me and Manoban can even be still a couple, but I'm not forgiving her nor I will stop being mad. The old rebel Kim Jisoo, no Toxic, is back. Stronger than ever.»
Jihyo's eyes widened and she looked taken aback but then, she sighed and nodded «And I'll be by your side.»
I smiled «Kumao unnie.»

I didn't really know what I had in mind to be honest, now that me and Lisa weren't talking and I was sure she was hurting, well, I didn't know what would I have done exactly, but I just wanted to go back to the old pretty much laid back person. And I really wanted to pester my superiors especially my Marshal, just for kinda add to my revenge? I think mine was a revenge but I wasn't sure...

As we made our way out of our room for the morning training, I was invested by a weird wave of confidence and strength I had felt just only before Manoban overturned my whole life.

As we got in line, General Park informed us «Today we will go over some old basic things. Just to see if you remember. Let's start with the standard army conduct.»
Marshal Manoban commanded after «Forward, march!»

With this command, you have to step off straight ahead with your left foot, taking a 30-inch step (measured from heel to heel), and place the heel on the ground first. When stepping off and while marching, you will use a coordinated arm swing, that is, right arm forward with the left leg and left arm forward with the right leg. The hands are cupped with the thumbs pointed down, and the arms hang straight, but not stiff, and swing naturally. The swing of the arms measures 9 inches to the front (measured from the rear of the hand to the front of the thigh) and 6 inches to the rear (measured from the front of the hand to the back of the thigh).

To halt from marching, the command is "Halt," given as either foot strikes the ground. On the command "Halt," you will take one more 30-inch step. Next, the trailing foot is brought smartly alongside your front foot. The heels are together, on line, and form a 45-degree angle. Coordinated arm swing ceases as the weight of the body shifts to the leading foot when halting.

We all started marching perfectly counting without doing any mistakes until I whispered to Jihyo «Remember how we made this a kinda comic version?» she nodded and I smirked, thing she did back understanding my plan.

Marshal commanded again «Change step, march!»

On the command "March," given as the right foot strikes the ground, you take one more 30-inch step with the left foot. Then in one count, place the ball of the right foot alongside the heel of the left foot, suspend arm swing, and shift the weight of the body to the right foot. Step off with the left foot in a 30-inch step, resuming coordinated arm swing. The upper portion of the body remains at the position of attention throughout.

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