💕Chap.10: Unexpected💕

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While they were walking towards the Marshal room, Jisoo was really nervous and confused about the chosen location

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While they were walking towards the Marshal room, Jisoo was really nervous and confused about the chosen location.

Why am I even nervous? It's not like she's going to do anything bad to me... Will she?!

«Stop making that face.» Manoban said, which made Jisoo even more confused «You're making a weird face.» Jisoo got lost in her thoughts again so Manoban quickly took a pic of her weird face «Yah! Get back to planet Earth!» Jisoo looked at her and Manoban said «This kind of face.»

Jisoo was shocked and slightly embarrassed, Manoban stopped so suddenly that Jisoo bumped into her «Shit, mianhae

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Jisoo was shocked and slightly embarrassed, Manoban stopped so suddenly that Jisoo bumped into her «Shit, mianhae.»
Manoban raised both her eyebrows in surprise «Curse apart, did you really apologized spontaneously to me!?»
Jisoo rolled her eyes «Whatever.»
Manoban thought

I'm so gonna make her stop rolling her eyes at me one day...

She opened the door of her room and signaled with her head the younger to enter, thing the latter hesitantly did, so Manoban rolled her eyes and pushed her maybe a little to hard, which made Jisoo fall on the older bed «What the–Waeh?! Why did you push me?» Jisoo whined turning around and sliding till the edge of the bed for then sit up straight, Manoban simply said
«When I give an order I want it to be followed fast. You should know this Cadet Kim.» Manoban slowly went towards Jisoo, which made the latter gulp and panic a little, which Manoban quickly noticed and smirked wondering

I wonder what's going inside that beautiful mind she has. Her face is priceless!

All that Manoban did was simply sit near Jisoo «Jisoo-ya, before your punishment, I need you to tell me something. I know how much you hate opening up, especially to me, but you have to.» Jisoo rolled her eyes and crossed her arms «What do you wanna know?»
«About this afternoon mainly, what exactly triggered in you that exercise? What memory made it's way through your mind? Why Jihyo's words weren't able to calm you but I was?»
Jisoo looked away from me, her hand playing with each other on her lap while she looked at them
«I don't know why Jihyo's words didn't work this time... Maybe because she wasn't near me. Which could also be the reason why I calmed down with you. Cause I obviously don't like you so.» Manoban nodded, she knew that Jisoo didn't like her but she really didn't despise her either
«How about the other questions?»
Jisoo looked straight into my eyes and said acidly «That's none of your fucking business. Now let's get done with this useless punishment so I can go.» she stood up and asked «So what do I have to do? Run laps? Squats? Jumping jacks? Push-ups? What?»
Manoban stood up «Fine, let's go with your punishment then. Since you keep saying that working out is useless I will, khm, mentally punish you let's say. So sit here near me and let's talk, and till I won't be satisfied you will not go away.»
Jisoo raised an eyebrow «Bitch please.» she rolled her eyes and went towards the door but she couldn't open it «Uh?» she tried harder «Waeh!? WAEH?! WHY IT'S NOT OPENING!?!» Manoban smirked to herself looking at the younger
«Do you think I don't know you Ji-soo-ya!» she said the younger name with so much aegyo that the younger turned around shocked and confused
«Was- Did you- That- Uh?!»

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