Chap.50: Jisoo's feelings

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«SNIPER! JISOO MOVE!!» yelled Lisa as she ran in front of me, embracing me with her arms and shielding my body with hers
«LISA!» I yelled as I felt the ground touch my back and Lisa on top of me
I placed my hands on her shoulders pushing her a little farther away so I could see her face, she asked me weakly « okay? Are you... hurt?»
I shook my head as tears started brimming my eyes as I cup her face «Ani, ani, gwenchana. H-How are you?»
Lisa flinched and groaned in pain «I've just....been shot. Guess I'm fine... Can you...take me» she forced a genuine smile through the pain
«Pabo, you still joke even in this situations.» tears were now falling my eyes «How many times do I have to tell you to don't save me?»
Lisa chuckled as we waited for the ambulance that Jihyo immediately called when we fell «W-Well... It's in my blood to save people... And... I could never....let my girlfriend...get hurt... I already almost lost you once... It was... enough...»
Suddenly Lisa groaned and flinched again in pain, as her eyes rolled back and her head fell on my chest «L-Lisa?» no answer «Lisa?!» still no answer «LALISAAA!!»

Using all my strength, since I still didn't gain the one I had before the accident back, I pushed Lisa off of me gently, for then take her in my arms and lap as I caressed her beautiful face. I looked down and saw the blood and where she was shot, so I removed my upper part of the uniform, I had a undershirt so I didn't worry about being exposed, not that I would worry seen the situation.

I folded it a couple of times making sure to don't lose any length, for then carefully move it under her back and tying as strong as I could, so that the material would press on the shot wound and would stop or at least help with the bleeding, I pulled her close to me, hugging her and telling her as a couple of tears fell on her face and I caressed them away «You'll be okay Lisa. If I miraculously survived... You will survive too. You have to. You can't leave me. I'm your girlfriend and your mine. We're supposed to live happily together, get married, have a family and all those things that you wish. You can't leave me! Cause I love you and need you... Stay strong Lisa... I love you too much to let you go...»

As soon as the ambulance arrived, the doctors ran to us with a stretcher and layed Lisa on it, I jumped in the ambulance with them cause there was no way I would have left Lisa alone.

*End of flashback*

I was now sitting alone waiting for Jihyo, Jennie, Chaeyoung and whoever will have come, in a waiting room, in need of updates on Lisa's health, yeah she was inside only from 15 minutes, but to me they felt like hours.

A sweet mature female voice asked me «Honey, are you okay? Are you hurt?»
I looked up and saw a probably around 50 years old nurse, concern on her face «I'm...fine... Why?»
«You're bleeding, aren't you?» she asked pointing at me
I looked down at the not buttoned top part of my uniform, noticing I was covered in blood, my whole uniform had blood somewhere even my undershirt, I was covered in blood and I didn't even notice «Oh... It's not mine... It's my superior and girlfriend blood... You're a nurse right?»
She nodded and sat near me «I guess you wanna ask me something related your girlfriend right?»
I nodded «The probabilities of living for someone who has been shot by a sniper right in the stomach and lost a good amount of blood... And knowing the person is a Marshal so it's well trained, healthy and strong and got shot other times...»
She seemed to think about that «Did the bullet got out from the back or not? And was the bullet big, small or...?»
I shrugged «I couldn't see anything... I only know that the bullet was still inside her... And it was shot from around 30 m of distance from a tree... You know.... That bullet was for me... She shielded me.... She's an idiot, isn't she?» I scoffed
«That's love dear. If you love someone, and I'm talking about truly deeply love someone, you won't think twice about risking your life to protect your significant other. Also, don't worry, for what you told me, the chances that she survives are much higher than you think.»
I nodded «Gamsahamnida...»
«You should change though. Take a shower and change. You don't want your girlfriend to see you like this when she will come back, right?»
I shrugged «She saw me in a pool of blood while rescuing me. She wouldn't even be surprised.»

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