💥 Chap. 4: "We need to talk" 💥

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I groaned and shot my eyes open remembering the last events, I looked around and saw I was in a hospital? Infirmary? Where the fuck was I?I quickly sit up and went out of my bed, collecting my belongings and thinking

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I groaned and shot my eyes open remembering the last events, I looked around and saw I was in a hospital? Infirmary? Where the fuck was I?
I quickly sit up and went out of my bed, collecting my belongings and thinking

What the fuck those three annoying women were doing at the park!? How did they knew I was there? Did they followed me? I mean I noticed them watching my show which I would have preferred to not be seen, but that's another story... And why the fuck did they helped me? I would have been just fine!!

I groaned and went out of the room, soon noticing I was at the academy infirmary.

I guess they brought me back here... Ugh, how annoying.

Tsk, I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my backpack and dialed Jin Soo number.

[JS=Jisoo J=Jin Soo]

J: Yeoboseyo? Jisoo? Are you okay? I heard that the assholes got in a fight with you!
Js: Nyeongan! Khm, yeah, I'm fine, seems like the Marshal and her two Generals dogs followed me and saved my ass. Which obviously wasn't needed since they wouldn't have hurt me.
Js: Don't even try to scold me!
J: *groan* It's true, they technically won't hurt you but you may never know. You still need to be careful!
Js: Yeah, yeah, yeah... Anyway, I'm out of that circle for now, so I can't really help you guys anymore with making money. Mianhae.
J: It's okay, the important thing is that you're fine and out of it... But you know that I have to report this to Red and Axe, right?
Js: Fuck! I didn't even thought about that! Please don't say anything to them!! Please~!! They don't know I was dealing with drugs and shit like that!!!
J: You know I have to Toxic. They will know it eventually even if I don't talk, you know they have eyes and ears everywhere. Plus I promised them so I'm sorry sweetheart but I have to.
Js: *sighs* thanks for sentencing me to death. I gotta go now. I have the feeling that some idiots are watching me. *Looks at Marshal Manoban, General Kim and General Park*
J: Why do you hate the three so much?
Js: I thought it was pretty self-explanatory... Oh well, we will talk soon about this. By- ah! By the way, let me write to Red and Axe what happened maybe they won't kill me...
J: Alright, alright.. But only because I care about you. Go now, bye.
Js: Nyeongan!

I hang up and put my phone in it's place, then I looked at them annoyed rolling my eyes and passing through them. Or well, that was my intention, but Marshal Manoban took my wrist and dragged me with her after ordering the other two to take her place.

We reached her office and she pushed me inside, following me for then lock the door.

«YAH!» I started «You pabo! You're hurting me! You saw what happened yesterday!» I crossed my arms and sat on the couch she had
«Then you should have stayed at the infirmary.» she said
«I do as I please.»
She groaned and came in front of me, arm crossed, usual bitch face and towering over me «Didn't you learn what breaking the rules leads to? Also, not even a thank you?»
«Tsk! Thanks this ass! I would have been just fine, they wouldn't have killed me. Plus I went through that situation more than a couple of times. I know the drill so you could have left. Also, why the fuck did you followed me?»
She came close to my face and whispered in my ear «I don't like hearing you curse.... Wanna be punished?»
That gave me chills and I moved lateral to get distant «Y-Yah! Just stop with this fucking punishments! Things yesterday end up that way cause I was exhausted because of your punishments and work outs! I was drained!»
«Then you should start behaving correctly.» she simply stated
«Again, I do as I please.» I did the same «Anyway, what happened to the guys yesterday?»
«We called the police.» she informed me, my eyes widened and I started stuttering
«T-The police?! The c-cops!?»
She nodded «Of course. Waeh?»

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