Chap.38: The end or the start?

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Everyone was now in tears, sobbing loudly and breaking down in front of each other, they couldn't believe after everything, Jisoo was dead

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Everyone was now in tears, sobbing loudly and breaking down in front of each other, they couldn't believe after everything, Jisoo was dead. How was that even possible?

No one was able to realize what had happened, the two doctors were trying to understand the reason, how could her heart collapse while being in perfect conditions, did they missed something? They couldn't understand, they were revising every piece of paper, analyzing everything again.

Jihyo was crying in Jinyoung arms while Lisa was holding Jisoo's hand in hers while crying over her body.

*A couple of minutes before Jisoo's heart stopped after the surgery...*

Jisoo said confidently «I choose to go. I'm sorry but, even though I miss you so much, I have too many people back, along with the girl I love. I might not be ready to commitment but I wanna go back, I heard her cry and beg for me to go back.»
My sister and mom nodded both standing up and engulfing me in a group hug, then they hugged me singularly, the first one was Ji Yoon «Take care little sis. We will always look over you. When your time will come we will be here, waiting for you. Try to let at least Lisa in, she only wants the best for you. Remember I love you.»
I then pulled away and hugged my mom who said «I wish I had spent more time with you when I was still alive. I'm sorry for being such a bad mother, hope you will forgive me one day. I love you dear, I really do.»
I pulled away with a couple of tears leaving my eyes as I noticed the world slowly fade around me «I love you both too. Wait for me and the others. Oh and mom, I already forgave you.»

Just like that everything faded and I was back to the completely white place why wasn't I already back alive?

I looked around and saw Minhyuk «Uh? What are you doing here?»
He smiled «You changed your mind I see. Well, this is my job, to make people like you go back. But there seems to be a problem, technically your heart should stop for a couple of seconds for then restart again and you will go back. But, remember what I told you about the time passing?» I nodded «You're body started to give up a couple of seconds ago, you went under surgery and now your heart has completely stopped. You have 5 minutes before it's impossible for you to go back. And something is keeping you here. Aren't you sure about your decision?»
I sighed and confessed «I'm not 100% sure...»
«Aish, Jisoo you must be more than sure or else you won't leave this limbo. What keeps your from that goal?»
I confessed again «What if they lost hope and doesn't care about me anymore?»
He slapped the back of my head «Pabo. Are you hearing yourself? Don't you know them? They are still hoping for a good respond, they're still waiting for you even though you're dead. They're all in tears for you.»

I remained silent and pondered about the newly obtained informations. So I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before stating «I wanna go back to them. Now.»
He said «You need to want it more Jisoo.»
I shouted closing my eyes and both my hands in fists «I WANT TO GO BACK TO MY FRIENDS, FAMILY AND TO THE GIRL I LOVE!!!»

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