Chap.41: Finally back home

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One more week after, I was finally at home, my beautiful, comfortable home where I haven't been in forever and I could finally see my baby

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One more week after, I was finally at home, my beautiful, comfortable home where I haven't been in forever and I could finally see my baby.

I still had difficulties walking, so Lalisa helped me inside, with Jihyo behind us and as soon as I stepped in Lisa (Cimorelli) engulfed me in a hug «Jisoo! You're finally back!! I missed you so much.»
I hugged her back «Me too. Thanks for staying here in Korea more than you've originally planned.»
She smiled «I couldn't go home without knowing you weren't perfectly fine, so till that won't happen I'll be here.»
I smiled «Thank you so much Lisa, but you don't have to, you should go home, your family would miss you. Specially your sisters.»
She parted from me and scratched her nape «Well, about that...» she turned around and yelled in English «Y'ALL COME DOWN! JISOO'S FINALLY HOME!»
I scrunched my eyebrows «You did not move the Cimorelli sisters just to came and help me right?»
My question was answered when I saw 5 girls literally running towards me for then engulf me in a huge group hug.

(A/N: Cimorelli as themselves! From left to right: Katherine Ann, Danielle "Dani" Nicole, Amy Elisabeth, Christina Lynn, Lauren Christine and of course Lisa Michelle. Yep all have a second name. Also look at me throwing in celebrities from all over the world in this story 😂)

I squealed happy now starting to talk in English «Oh my gosh! Hi! I missed you so much!!»Jihyo yelled in english too clapping her hands «Okay girls! Give her some space she's still not fine!»Immediately the girls moved and freed me so I said «Girl...

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I squealed happy now starting to talk in English «Oh my gosh! Hi! I missed you so much!!»
Jihyo yelled in english too clapping her hands «Okay girls! Give her some space she's still not fine!»
Immediately the girls moved and freed me so I said «Girls, I really appreciate you being here, but you should go back home and go on with your life. Christina you need to keep planning your wedding with Nick, Dani and Katherine you two have your boyfriends, Lisa, Lauren and Amy, y'all are still single losers go find yourself a man!!»
Amy said «Hey, it's hard to meet guys!»
Lauren added «Plus, you too are single so shut up.»
I smirked «Nope, Lalisa Manoban here is my girlfriend.»
Dani, the youngest sister, said shocked «Shut up! You're kidding me right?» then added «Oh wait, who's Lalisa? Is she even real?»
Lalisa back hugged me «I am more than real. Marshal Lalisa Manoban. Jisoo's girlfriend. You can call me Lisa. Which could be a problem if Lisa is in the same room as us so in that case call me Lali or Lalisa.»

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