💕Chap.13: Teasing, acting & complications💕

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Why am I kissing my Marshal back!? What is wrong with me!? This feeling

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Why am I kissing my Marshal back!? What is wrong with me!? This feeling... It's too mysterious I don't like it... I'm not familiar with it!!! That Manoban, her lips are woah... And her hands roaming on my body... No no no, I gotta stop this!!

My brain was thinking something but doing something else, things were starting to escalate, if I didn't stop this, Manoban would for sure have thrown me in bed and took my dear virginity. But I wasn't able to get free, my Marshal started raising one of my legs telling me to jump but I didn't do that. I was still in my senses.

Damn brain work!!!

Our actions were interrupted by a knock on a door and BamBam calling me, making my superior groan. I thanked every God of every religion for sending someone, Manoban parted from me and whispered seductively «I'm still not done with you...» I pushed her away and unlocked the door letting BamBam in. Manoban looked at him, no, scratch that, glared at him and said something in Thai. He scratched his head and answered back, I couldn't understand so I said
«Hello? I'm here and I don't speak Thai.»
BamBam looked at me and said something else to Marshal Manoban who smirked, I groaned, crossed my arms and rolled my eyes «Kunpimook, what do you need?»
He stopped talking in Thai to my Marshal and said «Oh right, Jihyo is searching you. Things have seem to become more complicated with you know who.»
I scratched my head «Shit... Did JB and Sana were able to hack in?»
He shook is head «That's one of the problems, they were in but he discovered that and was able to block them out. They're having a hard time getting in. In shortly things aren't going as planned. We only have 3 more days counting today. We gotta take action now.»
I nodded and said «Let's go then.»

I took BamBam's hand, making our way to the office, totally forgetting about Manoban. As soon as we entered I saw all the people involved in this mission, aka TWICE, GOT7, me, Red and Axe. I reached Jeongyeon and Jackson who were looking at the map of the penthouse «Guys, is there any problem here?»
Jeongyeon nodded «Yes, it seems like every possible entrance has been blocked, the only way is the front door, but it's too heavily guarded like for real.»
Jackson added «They are way too much and we can't move the whole gang for one mission!»
I nodded and went to JB and Sana «Were you able to enter?»
Sana was putting her hands in her hair «We're able to enter but we get caught after exactly 5 minutes and fucking kicked out! The people behind this are good!»

I looked at a stressed JB «Fuck, fuck, fuck! They're trying to locate our position and enter in our server!!» the screens were flashing red, signal of warning, the two glanced at each other and started moving they fingers so fast, typing so many difficult formulas and codes that I had to leave because it made my head hurt.
I went to Nayeon and Jinyoung «Please guys tell me that at least with the earpieces, microphones etc, we're fine.»
Nayeon and Jinyoung looked at each «Jinyoung, you tell her.»
Jinyoung sighed and nodded «Well, everything is fine. Talking about functioning, the problem is that after you enter the house you won't be able to communicate with us on the outside. Cause they isolated it. This mean the mission is becoming even more dangerous since we also don't have the possibility to use the cameras.»

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