💥Chap.32: Too late?💥

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The gang, thanks to the old lady, was now ready and on their way towards the cottage, all furious and worried for Jisoo

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The gang, thanks to the old lady, was now ready and on their way towards the cottage, all furious and worried for Jisoo. They didn't care if it was 5 in the morning which now made them wonder why the old lady was baking in the middle of the night but they ignored her weird habits. They parked the vans not too far but not too near either the house. They didn't know anything about Jisoo's conditions nor what would have expected them. They were too focused on rescue her.

«Okay,» started Lisa «do you have any question?»


«Do you all have your night vision glasses?»

Everyone nodded.

She nodded too «Okay, let's go get our girl back. Remember, we might be less than them but we're smarter and more experienced. Hwaiting!»
They all lowly cheered and started separating as planned and reaching their positions, the cottage was actually quite big.

Jihyo, Lisa and Chaeyoung were together since they would have entered the house before the others as soon as they got rid of the people near a small window at the ground level that probably connected to the basement. Chaeyoung was with them cause she had complete control of the cameras except for one that there was no way to be able to take control, and they needed to know about their surroundings, we moved and crouched down behind a bunch of bushes and Lisa said «Okay, I'll take care of this two, watch and learn Lieutenant.»
Jihyo rolled her eyes and crossed her arms «No you watch Marshal.»

Without letting the other answer Jihyo with a fast sudden movement she reached the two and within 3 minutes she got rid of both with a couple of punches and kicks, making the three one step nearer their first destination.

The two officials reached Jihyo and the latter asked «So how was I?»
Lisa shrugged and glanced at Chaeyoung for then look at Jihyo «I saw better.»
Chaeyoung agreed «Yeah, me too.»
Jihyo scoffed and rolled her eyes «I'm starting to understand Jisoo...»

The three tied and taped the men for then hide them behind some bushes. They still weren't at the window, 5 other men were pacing back and forth studying their surroundings making sure no intruder was around. They were pretty big and seemed quite strong so Lisa decided to take care of two, same for Chaeyoung and the remaining one was Jihyo's matter.

Meanwhile another group composed by Momo, BamBam, Jennie, Jeongyeon and [Twice] Chaeyoung was taking care of the guards who were supposedly hidden around but for the 5 it was so easy to spot them.
They were already at the 6th man when he said «You're here for the bitch girl, uh? Good luck in finding her alive. Or finding her at all.»
Momo punched him, making him fall on the ground and grabbing his collar she asked demanding «What do you mean?»
He smirked «Do you think she was here just as hostage or some kind of vacation? No, she was brought here to be killed. And in the most painful way.» Jennie kicked him in the face and he passed out or maybe died they weren't sure.
The four looked at Jennie shocked and she shrugged «He got on my nerves.»
BamBam commented «Never get on Jennie's nerves. Noted.»

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