Chap. 27: You will never ever own me.

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Jisoo's face obviously told me she was thinking and at the same time shocked so I added «Why after one year together you didn't have any sexual intercourse with her but you did with me after less than 3 months?» Jisoo looked at me expectantly so I...

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Jisoo's face obviously told me she was thinking and at the same time shocked so I added «Why after one year together you didn't have any sexual intercourse with her but you did with me after less than 3 months?» Jisoo looked at me expectantly so I went on «Because you clearly didn't trust her, you didn't feel loved enough, you probably felt like something wasn't right. That wasn't a good relationship, that was nothing like a true, trustworthy and full of love relationship. Trust me. Give me a chance. You wouldn't regret it. Or... Maybe you're scared of love?»
Jisoo's eyes widened and she hid her face in my chest, shaking her head
«I ain't scared of it. Neither a little. I'm just not interested.»

Then, there's only one way to make you change your mind jagiya... I will make you go out with me on a date or more without you even knowing. You will change your mind. Trust me love.

I smirked at my thought knowing, Jisoo wouldn't have saw me for then go back to cuddle her. After some minutes I heard soft snores, so I knew Jisoo fell asleep.
I admired her beauty and her soft face, while thinking...

Jisoo-ya, I really wanna know you like Jihyo does if not more... I wonder what else happened in your past, what you had to go through on your own since you probably kept everything for yourself or refused any kind of help... What happened for you to be so cautious around people, to don't believe in love, to have trust issues, to hate yourself and be so insecure, what happened for you to become the way you are... You're such a nice and amazing person with people close to you but you're an asshole with others... You trust only Jihyo and no one else, why do you trust her? What assures you her trustworthiness? Jisoo, please, let me in. Let me make my way through your frozen heart, let me open the box where you put all the nice things and traits about you. Let me bring back the old real Jisoo...

I caressed her cheek gently for then remove a little bit of hair from her face, she was such an angel. And I loved her. I loved her with all my heart.

All of a sudden Jisoo's face scrunched up as if she was in pain, she started moving, little drops of sweats started forming on her beautiful face while murmuring «No, no! Mom! Mom! Mom please! Don't leave me! Help! Help!»

Jisoo was having a nightmare. So I quickly but gently shook her calling her name. Jisoo suddenly sit up with her eyes widened and now tears falling down. I pulled her in, comforting her. Jisoo's breath was quick and irregular, she was sobbing, her gaze lost.

«It was just a nightmare Jisoo. It was just a nightmare.» I said softly
Jisoo said emotionless even though she was in panic «Yeah, that day was a nightmare. Just like the day my sister died. A nightmare, just a nightmare.»

Jisoo wasn't moving at all from her sitting position, her arms were limp at her sides, her side pressed to mine only because I pulled her in.

Did she had a nightmare who was also a flashback?

«Jisoo, wanna talk about it?» I asked hoping to hear something different from her usual answer but of course she still gave me her usual answer
«No. Mind your own fucking business.»
I sighed and said «That vulgar mouth of yours. I don't mind it while we have sex but when we aren't, I would like you not to curse.»
Jisoo snapped from her trance and crossed her arms looking at her «Fuck you. I curse as much as I want.» I rolled my eyes and she mocked me «It's disrespectful to roll your eyes Miss Manoban. You should be punished.»
I chuckled «You're right but it's fine to roll your eyes from time to time. Not like you who act like rolling eyes is your favourite hobby.»

Suddenly something really unexpected happened, me and Jisoo exchanged roles. I don't really know how, but I was now on Jisoo lap, belly down and blocked. Jisoo started spanking me, I was shocked so she was able to spank me 5 times but as soon as I "woke up" from the shock I quickly inverted our positions smirking «Brave of you to think you would be able to spank me and let's say dominate me.» while I was talking Jisoo was struggling to get free or course failing «I appreciate your smartness thought, you really surprised me. But» I bent my upper body and whispered in her hear «I'm the dominant here. You're my submissive. I own you. I control you. I am in charge.» I slapped her beautiful firm but soft butt, making her yelp and close her eyes but she said
«You don't own me. At all. No one does.»
I spanked her again with a little bit more of force, making her groan in pain «What did you say jagi? I think I misunderstood.»
She said once again «You. Don't. Own. Me.»
Another spank putting again a little more of force «Pardon?»
Jisoo said though gritted teeth «Are you deaf that you don't understand?» this went on for 6 more minutes, with me putting a little bit more of strength on every spank, I knew Jisoo was trying hard not to show any weaknesses but I could read her well.

I was rubbing her probably sore butt asking her «Who owns you babygirl?»
Jisoo didn't reply, so I raised my hand and she quickly blurted out
«You own me!!»
I smirked proud and kissed the back of her head «Good girl.» I let her get back to a more comfortable position, she added «You really are dumb. Like for real, I told you I don't like you. I told you I'm NOT into this stuff, why the fuck do you keep doing all of this?»
I smiled «Cause everything you said it's clearly the opposite. Admit that you like me, that you like being tied up, that you like to be dominated. Admit that you like being submitted to me.»
Jisoo shook her head «Ani. Ani. ANI! I do NOT!» she suddenly stood up and said going towards my door «Oh Lalisa, one more thing.» I raised an eyebrow standing up and going towards her, so she quickly grabbed the door knob and said «You will never ever own me.» and with that she ran out, me not being able to stop her.

1108 words

Nyeongan! Very short chapter, I know. But I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive! Today is the "last" day of work and then I will work only on weekends. So I will have more time to write! You will really like the next chapter, prepare for some fluffy fluff!😍

Thanks for voting, commenting and reading this! Also hello new readers! I saw you! After the JenKai thing Lisoo ship is becoming bigger and stronger! Welcome to this book of sins! Hope you will like it💕

Big hug and kiss 💋🤗

-Ary 🦄🎻🌈

Also, would you mind if maybe later/tomorrow I'll post a rant about this whole situation about FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL RACIST people who doesn't respect our Lisa? Cause I really need to share my thoughts and madness about this....


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