Chap.22: Alcohol and revelations

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I was passing by Double J and JB with BamBam and Tzuyu with me and accidentally heard what JB asked

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I was passing by Double J and JB with BamBam and Tzuyu with me and accidentally heard what JB asked.

Uh? She has someone else other than me? Really? I mean we're not a couple it's true... But, does she?

We were now far from them to hear the rest, I was hurt, I didn't like the idea of my Jisoo having someone else.

«Yo! Earth to Lalisa ex Pranprya!» BamBam voice took me out of my thoughts
«Ne?» I asked acting like I wasn't lost in thoughts
Tzuyu asked «What were you thinking?» I was about to open my mouth when she went on «No wait! I know! Is it because you think Jisoo has someone else?» I scratched my nape and looked down, both Tzuyu and BamBam started laughing
«Why are you laughing?» I asked confused
Tzuyu said «Girl, Jisoo isn't even in search of a relationship, why would she have someone else? Plus, she's your girlfriend, no?»
«Yeah, she is.» I lied «But still..»
BamBam said «Our Chichu is loyal. More loyal than a dog. Don't worry. And if she choose you, believe us when we say she won't hurt you. We don't know much, but she doesn't do relationships. But if you wanna know more ask Jisoo or Jihyo.»
I sighed and nodded.

If only you knew guys...

I stood up and said «Well, then I'm going to ask Jihyo.» the two nodded and I walked towards my destination.

Why in the world Jisoo doesn't want any relationship? I don't think she likes the idea of being alone forever... What the heck happened that made her the way she is!? Ugh! I hope Jihyo will answer at least to this whole relationship thing.

«Jihyo» I called her, making her, Jisoo and JB look at me «Can I talk to you for a moment?» she nodded and stood up excusing herself, we then made our way to the girls bedroom, both sitting on Jihyo's bed by her request since she said that till Jisoo doesn't change the sheets she won't sit on her bestie bed.

«So what do you wanna know about Jisoo? Cause I know it's about her.» straightforwardly said Jihyo, so I did the same
«Why she doesn't want any relationship?»
«How do you know this?» she asked surprised
«Tzuyu and BamBam.» I explained
She nodded «They can't shut up, can't they?»
I stated «Well, me and BamBam are best friends since childhood so you know.»
She sighed «I guess you two don't have many secrets. Except for this fake relationship that you and Jisoo has. Anyway, fine, I will tell you this small fragment of Jisoo's story. So, explaining it, it's really easy and short actually, let's go back in time, when me and Jisoo still lived in Italy. I left when I was 5 so I have 7 years of Jisoo's life that I missed, which were told to me by herself. Jisoo's parents always had been in love, like you would be jealous of them. But when Jisoo was 6 the two started fighting badly, till they divorced for reasons, that I really can't tell you and you must ask Jisoo. At 9 years old, Jisoo and her family moved to London where without me and her knowing, our mothers decided to met, how? Well, they never lost contact but to don't make us suffer too much since we've always been close they lied to us. Me and Jisoo of course talked about what we lost, even if we were little, cause we had so many things to talk about, I mean we didn't see for 7 years. Now we were still children so our talks weren't that much but Jisoo also told me about her parents. Of course what she knows about love and how relationships works, well, she learned it from her parents and when she grew she realized better what was happening so. Let's just say that she didn't have a good approach to the whole "love and relationship" world. She had just one relationship that lasted like half a year? I think... Anyway, she gave everything to that girl, both were 15 by the way, she lowered her walls for her and what did the bitch did? She cheated on her! Damn Eun Rin! I so wanted to kill her. So from that experience Jisoo also learned another bad side about love and now she kinda hates it. So yeah.»
I asked recalling the name «Isn't that the name she used during the mission?»
Jihyo nodded «Ne. But just because now she hates her, like I do honestly, this... Bitch. And she also hated that mission so yeah. It's a form to display her hate towards her hoping to cause some troubles to that girl. Jisoo has always been quite reserved and secretive, in fact, her mother and sister-»
I interrupted her confused «Sister!? Jisoo has a sister?!» Jihyo's eyes widened and covered her mouth with her hands realizing she shouldn't have said that «Jihyo tell me. Where is her sister? She really has one?»
Jihyo sighed and nodded «She... She... Ugh!» Jihyo put her hands in her hair and messed them «How do I tell you this? It's not my place to talk about this! Jisoo should!»
I looked at her seriously «Jihyo tell me, does Jisoo really has a sister!?»
We heard a gasp, gaining our attention only to find Jisoo looking at us shocked, she then glared at Jihyo
«» she asked through gritted teeth, Jihyo quickly stood up
«I just told her in really, like really large lines, why you don't want any relationship, she knows it's related Eun Rin and your parents but she doesn't know specifically. And about your sister, it just escaped mianhae.» Jihyo looked down guilty, I stood up and stated
«So you have a sister Jisoo! Why didn't you tell me? We could contact he-»
«SHUT UP!» exclaimed Jisoo mad, both hands in fist and looking down «JUST SHUT UP!»
Jihyo said «Jisoo, tell her. At least about this. Or else she will involuntary make you suffer please! Tell her her story or just the basic please! She deserves to-»
Jisoo snapped at her looking up with tears falling down «FINE! But... I'm not gonna tell her her story... I never told this to anyone... I'm not ready...»
Jihyo sighed «Fine.»
The two sat on Jihyo's bed and I sat too, facing Jisoo who was drying her tears. She looked at me and said
«Listen and listen carefully cause I ain't gonna repeat myself.»
I nodded «Go on.»
Jisoo managed to say between tears and her sore throat «I do have one. No, I had one. My unnie is not here anymore.» she tried really hard to be emotionless but you could clearly feel the sadness and grief «Her name was, her name-» a sob interrupted her, which made Jihyo side hug her «Her name was Ji Yoon, Kim Ji Yoon. She was 9 years older than me. I was 16 and she was 25 when, he, did what he did...» Jisoo was now evidently trying really hard not to break down «When he killed her.» she broke down and I gasped shocked and felt immediately sorrow.

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