Chap.39: Jealousy, rebellion and teasing

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(A/N: New pov separators! I like this type more eheh)

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(A/N: New pov separators! I like this type more eheh)

It's been two weeks since Jisoo started rehabilitation and I stayed with her every moment, cherishing every breath she took, but as we shared more time together and got to know each other even better and as promised I didn't talk about us, Jisoo got close to Bobby. Too close in my opinion.

«Miss Kim. Stand up, right now. And get your butt ready for rehab.» I told to Jisoo while she was still sitting on the wheelchair even though we were already in the rehabilitation room, every time it was a battle with Jisoo, doctors, nurses and patients knew I was a Marshal not only because I was quite famous but it was pretty obvious and they were totally fine and used to it

«No you dickhead bitch with a split of personality. I'm tired and it hurts too much doing rehab, for not talk about how boring it is. Look I learned some cool tricks on the wheelchair thanks to Bobby, I'm gonna be fine on this for now, he's such a dope guy. He also has an admirable brain. We do have interesting opinions exchanges too.»

Oh yeah cause Bobby is such an amazing, hot guy... Tsk!

I was in my Marshal mode so my tone was the same I used even at the academy «I'll count to three Lieutenant Kim Jisoo and you're gonna stand up, or else, I'll punish you. I don't care if you're on a wheelchair.»
Jisoo crossed her arms «Ya can't do anything to a patient who isn't even able to defend.»
«Make me.» she challenged me
I cracked my knuckles and my neck, I noticed how Jisoo stared at me and licked her lips, making me smirk

Honey, I know I'm hot and turn you on badly. You and your denial issues..

I put my arms under her armpits and layed my hands on her back, pulling her up just like you would do with a baby. I felt her inhale deeply and accidentally let out in a whisper «Fuck, I missed your scent...» she then cursed probably thinking she was being an idiot.

As soon as she was on her feet, I let her go and grabbed her arms helping her stay up, her legs were shaking and I could definitely see she was using all her strength, yes, it was two weeks but between check-ups, medicine that made her sleepy, the fact that her body was still recovering it's energy, made everything longer, today was just the third day she could stand almost on her own.

«Okay Lieutenant, now, try to take some steps. I'll help you don't worry.» I said comfortingly, she took a deep breath and tried to take the first one and she succeeded. She was able to make a couple of them but then she got tired and said «Bitch I did a work out that count for at least a month so I'm gonna place my beautiful ass on this ugly floor.»

And just like that she let herself fall on the ground on her butt making me almost fall on her, keyword, almost, not to brag but my reflexes were great.

I groaned «You're so lazy.»
«Stop bullying me!!!» she said offended «Why are you so mean?» she was sad
«Sorry jagi.» I said «But it's the truth.»
She changed humor again, she was now mad «You little sack of shit, you don't know me!»
«I actually know you well.» I stated calmly already used to her changes of humor «Some of the medicines you take makes your hormones go nuts. You look like a pregnant woman.» I rolled my eyes
«Oh look at her being sassy now. What a pity.» and now she was annoyed, I really felt like I was dealing with a pregnant woman, it was making me reconsider the idea of having children in the future.

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