Chap.36: Family quality time

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It was already a week since I was reunited with my mom and sister, and I used every moment I had to spend it with them

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It was already a week since I was reunited with my mom and sister, and I used every moment I had to spend it with them.

I was out with Ji Yoon; I don't believe in God and that stuff, I believed there was a life after death, I was right, but I didn't know if I was in paradise, sure it's a place for nice people, which I didn't know why I was there, but I didn't complain.

This place looked like the normal world; restaurants, arcades, parks, lakes, it was really a after life.

«So Jikachu, tell me a little bit about you and Lisa, you've always avoided this theme since you're here.» Ji Yoon said
«What should I say? You sure know what's up.» I said shrugging
She hummed «But I can't read your thoughts.»
I sighed «Well, I don't know what you want me to say.»
«Your thoughts about her.» she simply said
«To be honest, I don't even know my thoughts about her. I'm quite confused. Like, I know I like her, ugh, scratch that, I love her. She loves me back. We get along well, except for the fact that we fight a lot. She's so nice and her, Jennie and Chaeyoung never gave up on me... Also, we should talk about Chaeyoung, unnie you two knew each other!!!»
She smiled and nodded «Chaeyoung is such a nice girl, we really got along well. I met her in a park, it was when I got Dalgom for you, on the way back. She was crying because one of her fishes died. She's so sweet and sensible. I let her play with him, then we started talking and we wanted to be friends and we ended up as best friends, yes, she was quite younger than me, but she's always been really mature, so I felt completely at ease and I felt I could talk to her about everything.»
I nodded «So you know each other from 6 years?»
She nodded «But let's not talk about me and Roseanne, that is something to talk about another day, let's go back to Lisoo.»
I rolled my eyes «You too also use our ship name, I can't believe it. Anyway, well, ugh, unnie, I don't know, I don't feel at ease in loving Lisa, in loving someone...»
She stopped and walked in front facing me, she gently grabbed my shoulders and said «You're scared Jisoo. You're scared of love. Because of all you've seen, all you ever knew about love. Jisoo, remember what I told you before I died?»
I nodded «To never stop loving.»
She nodded «Exactly. What happened to our family, won't happen to you. You need to stop letting this traumas control your life. They're not the ones in control, you are. And Lisa might help you. But you also need to open up to her. She's really trying to understand you and help you, you may not know, you may have not seen, but I did, she's spending the majority of her days trying to figure you out. All because she loves you. Even right now that you're in a coma, she spends all the time she can near you. If it wasn't for the people who love and care about her, she wouldn't eat, she wouldn't even take a shower because she doesn't want you to wake up without anyone familiar around. If this isn't a nice, sincere love, I don't know what else could it be.»
I sighed «Let's not talk about my old life... I'm here with you and mom, I wanna focus on this. I don't want my decision to be influenced in any way.»
She nodded «Fine, but one last question, as things are now, what is your decision? Not your final decision, what would you decide if it was now the moment to do it.»
«Death.» I blurted out «Life is too complicated, too messed up... Also, you and mom wouldn't be there.... And I miss you so much. Every moment of everyday.»
Ji Yoon pulled me close «I know Jisoo. We feel when someone think about us and, let me tell you, lately more people, even strangers have been thinking about us. Like Yuqi, do you remember her? The girl of the jewellery? Everytime she prays, or remember the deaths, she includes me. Because you told her about me. Oh and regarding the necklace, I love it, thanks, it's in my jewellery box.»
I pushed away gently and looked at her confused «How can you have it?»
«It's the perks of living here, you can have a copy of that thing. I don't really know how that works to be honest. But I don't complain for sure.»
I giggled «Happy you like it.»

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