Chap.52: Jisoo's cowardice

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3 months were passed after Lisa was hospitalized and everything was back to normal, that day was exactly one year since our Marshal and rebel met

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3 months were passed after Lisa was hospitalized and everything was back to normal, that day was exactly one year since our Marshal and rebel met. It was now August and it was Lisa's favorite season since she could see her Jisoo in less clothes.

Jennie, Chaeyoung and Lisa were in their office talking when Lisa said «I wanna ask her today since it's one year we know.»
Jennie asked «Woah Lisa isn't it too soon?»
«No, not all. If you think about it me and Jisoo started having a kind of relationship from the start basically. Yeah, we weren't a couple but between having sex, faking to be a couple and actually getting together we can consider it as a year, no? Plus we love each other, it doesn't matter how long have passed. We went through a lot and we're still together we won't break up anytime soon.»
Chaeyoung commented «As you wish Lis, but don't feel too bad if she refuses.»
Lisa shrugged «She won't. Well, hopefully.»

What the three didn't know was that they left the door slightly open and Jisoo had heard everything and was already panicking.

Does Lisa wants to propose to me!? Fuck no! It's too soon! I'm not ready for full and lifetime commitment! I'm just 20! I'm still young!!!

Jisoo wanted to ran away but remembered that she had to say something really important to Lisa so she casually slammed the door open, making Jennie screech in fear as the youngest tried to act completely normal «Lalisa, I came to tell you and give you something really important.»
Lisa raised an eyebrow and Jisoo made her way towards her girlfriend, sitting on her lap, Lalisa's arms automatically wrapping around her waist «What it is jagi?» she asked kissing the younger shoulder,
Jisoo didn't care if Jennie and Chaeyoung were there, she turned her now serious face towards a smiling Lisa and said «Pay attention cause it's something really serious and important.» Lisa smile disappeared and she nodded «Okay, so...» Jisoo said with aegyo and now smiling «I love you very much La-li-sa!» she sang her Marshal name for then kiss her nose.

Lisa was surprised and smiled wildly pulling Jisoo closer and nuzzling her nose in the younger neck «Aww, you're so cute. I love you too.»
Then Jisoo took an envelope out and handed it to Lisa «Momo gave it to me. She told me that you should open it when you're alone and that she hopes you like it.»
Lalisa nodded and kissed her lover temple «Thanks babe. Now tell me, why aren't you with Jihyo?»
Jisoo scratched her nape «I don't wanna hang from the ceiling again.»
Chaeyoung asked «What did you do to poor Jihyo?»
Jisoo turned her head and smiled innocently «I had my revenge for that thing of my sexy set.»
Jennie said «But it's been three months!»
Jisoo shrugged «I didn't have time. Between the academy and dear Lisa here, I was busy.»

The door slammed open, making Jennie screech again holding her chest and Jihyo said «I KNEW YOU WOULD BE HERE!»
Jisoo clinged to Lisa and said «Someone save me! I really don't wanna hang from the ceiling again!!»
Jihyo made her way towards her target «YOU WILL HANG FROM A FUCKING CLIFF NOT JUST THE CEILING!!»
Jisoo tightened her grip on Lisa as she did the same in a very VERY protective way «YOU DESERVE THAT! I'M STILL MAD ABOUT MY SEXY SET!»
Jihyo said back «UGH! GET OVER IT!»
Jisoo said «THEN GET OVER IT TOO!»
«IT HASN'T BEEN THREE MONTHS FOR ME!» Jihyo crossed her arms

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