Chap.51: Nursing

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I woke up in the middle of the night because the wound hurt, with Jisoo still sleeping beside me, she wanted to be my nurse, how cute

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I woke up in the middle of the night because the wound hurt, with Jisoo still sleeping beside me, she wanted to be my nurse, how cute.

I couldn't move because she was sleeping on my arm and if I removed it to take some painkillers she would have woke up so I gently shook her «Chu. Jichu. Jisoo-ya.» I heard her groan and ask sleepily
«What Lisa?»
«I'm in pain...» I confessed, Jisoo quickly sat up and opened the drawer taking out some painkillers and giving it to me also passing me the already full bottle of water «Here. You should have woke me up earlier. I'm in charge of you.»
«It's okay Jisoo, plus I literally just woke up.»
She scratched her head «I knew I shouldn't have slept... What if something happened? Ugh..»
I pulled her close to me, hugging her and with one hand caressing her hair for then tell her «No, you will sleep and do everything normally or else I'll punish you since, it's been a while and you might really need it.»
Jisoo hugging me back shook her head «No. I don't. My ass doesn't. Plus, ya can't force yourself or do anything that will take too much energy. Uuuuh» she smirked «this is like a punishments free ticket. I'll take that.»
I warned her by pulling a little her beautiful long, black hair «Don't challenge me Jisoo. I still have to punish you for the way the past week you've behaved so you have already some on you.»
Jisoo rolled her eyes and pushed away, her hands on my shoulders and my arms now wrapped behind her back «Okay Liz, honestly though, why can't you accept that I'm NOT into that stuff and life style?»
I smirked «Babe, you're body has been telling me something different, your moans too and your orgasms as well, so you know, you can't fool me.»
I was sure Jisoo's face was red even if I couldn't see that because the only dim light was the one from the almost full moon outside, I knew my Jisoo too well which remind me of something she never told me, the not too visible scars on her wrists «Jisoo, I have a question and you must answer me honestly okay?»
She raised an eyebrow «Suuuure? But why at freaking 4 in the morning.»
«Cause I know we will have all the privacy we need.» I briefly explained
She sighed «Shoot.»
I took her hands in mines and turned them upside down, while I looked down and caressed with my thumbs her wrists «I noticed them a long time ago but didn't ask you. But now I wanna know.» I looked up and saw her shocked face as she was biting her bottom lip nervously «Why are these here?»
She sighed «I... This... Not even Jihyo know this... So please do not say this to anyone else... I, remember when my sister died? Basically, well, I was overwhelmed... It was just too much... I was hurting too much... I only had Jihyo left but no one from my family... Don't get me wrong, Jihyo's like a sister so she basically always been part of my family, but you know what I mean... I felt so hurt that I just decided to put the word end to my messed up life... So in a moment of extremely weakness... I just did what I did... And I would have succeed, but at the very last minute something switched in my mind and I was able to call the ambulance to save me... Now I don't know if you'll believe me, but that something, no someone that switched that something was my sister voice... I remember her telling me not to give up that my life would have changed that my destiny was already decided.... Honestly though, I think YOU decide your destiny, like you have one but you can change it...»
I hugged her resting my head on her shoulder, her head doing the same «You made the right decision Jisoo. I'm happy you chose to live. I'm happy I was able to meet you.»
Jisoo said tightening her grip on me «But I brought you only troubles..»
«Yeah, but I kinda like them and I'm still happy. It's thanks to troubles that we met and got closer.»
Jisoo didn't spoke for a while, then she pushed a little away from me and looked me in the eyes «Thanks for accepting and loving me for who I am Lalisa.» then her lips were on mine.

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