Chap.5: Whistle

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Cadet Kim Ji Soo was with us from a month and a half already but she was still the same

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Cadet Kim Ji Soo was with us from a month and a half already but she was still the same. Infact she was being punished again by Lisa.

Me, Lisa and Chaeyoung were looking at Jisoo having a pride way to big and showing us that she "wasn't tired at all".

Chaeyoung spoke after the sweet silence that was engulfing us «Will she ever learn?»
I giggled «Tsk! That brat needs some physical punishment not all this exercises.»
Lisa slightly elbowed me on my right side «Ya! I told you more than once that we don't use violence except if it's extremely needed. And with her isn't needed! I just have to find a way to make her open up so I would be able to know what to exactly do.»
«She must have a weakness that will make her open up...» Chaeyoung stated
«That's for sure.» I confirmed «I wonder why no one knows nothing about her... From where she comes from, what's her birthday, her nationality, how she entered the country, how she doesn't seem to have a family... She's a complete mystery.»
My besties nodded and in that moment Cadet Kim Ji Soo reached us, she was all sweaty and evidently tired «Ya! I'm done what else do I have to do?»
We looked at Lisa and she said «Nothing. You're done for now Cadet Kim.»
Cadet Kim rolled her eyes «Stop with the formality, I don't like it. Call me Jisoo, or Jichu, or Toxic. But drop the damn formality. It's not like I'm using it with y'all.»
I pointed out «Even though you should. So use the formality with me.»
She shrugged «I do as I please. BUT, since I'm not an ungrateful brat and I haven't properly thanked you for the unneeded help a month or something ago, I will grant your wish to use the formality General Kim.» she then looked at Lisa and Chaeyoung «How about you? What do you want?»
Chaeyoung said «You to behave properly. And if you can't do that at least do what even the others have to do and not leave the exercises like you usually do. And fine, I remove the formality with you and you can do the same with me, only because I think we need to be treated equally.»
Cadet Kim Ji Soo sighed and said «As you wish. I won't skip, ditch or leave during the exercises and stuff. Now how about you Manoban?»
«Really easy Jisoo,» I swear I noticed Cadet Kim cheeks slightly tint of pink, but probably it's because it's hot «My wish is to know more about you. Like birthday, nationality-»
Cadet Kim rolled her eyes and interrupted her «My name is Kim Ji Soo, I'm half Italian and half Korean. My parents are Korean but I was born in Italy. My birthday is on January 3rd. As you know I'm 19. And that's all you need to know. I even told you more than I should have to.»
Lisa nodded and said «You didn't let me finish. I want to also know more about your past, your family, I want you to open up. That's what I want.»
Cadet Kim looked at her shocked and then firmly stated «Choose something else.»
Lisa went near her and was only inches apart as she looked down sternly at the younger «You asked us what we wanted, you didn't put any limit. Now you gotta grant my wish.»
Cadet Kim gulped and said once again firmly «C-Choose. Something. Else.»
Lisa looked at me and smirked, I knew that smirk so well.

«Fine. I choose you to always follow my orders. Without complaining.» said Lisa, but the youngest shook her head no
«Can't promise you that I won't complain. BUT since I still am in a kinda debt with you, fine, I will follow your orders at my best.» there was a moment of silence then Cadet Kim's eyes widened and she covered her mouth with one hand «Shit I forgot...»
«What did you forgot?» Chaeyoung asked, Cadet Kim distractedly said
«I have a couple of debts here and there..»
«What?!» we yelled shocked, she soon realized what she said and cursed, Chaeyoung quickly asked
«Will you have other fights?!»
Cadet Kim looked at all of us and simply said as if she wasn't bothered at all «Yeah, probably with some I will. But, once again, I'll be completely fine. Well, if who I'm thinking about won't shoot me... Duh.»
I couldn't contain myself anymore and I slapped her «YOU REALLY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE?! YOU'RE PATHETIC! HOW DID YOU END UP IN SO MANY TROUBLES!?»
Cadet Kim was holding her cheek and looking at me surprised by my outburst and action. I might have despised her, but I still cared. She was so young.

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