Chap. 20: Back to the rebel life

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That day I felt like Jisoo being without voice wouldn't have gave us problems, but guess what? The bitch was still terribly annoying

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That day I felt like Jisoo being without voice wouldn't have gave us problems, but guess what? The bitch was still terribly annoying.

«KIM JISOO! COME DOWN FROM THE FREAKING TREE AND GET IN LINE!» I demanded but she ignored me, smiling innocently, Jihyo groaned and said
«Toxic, come down! Come on! You know you have to behave! Or else you'll be stuck here forever even after we become Generals or something! Would you like that?»
Jisoo's eyes widened and quickly jumped down luckily not hurting herself and joining the group. We made our way towards this morning training, Jihyo and Jisoo were as always near each other but they weren't talking, it was relaxing not having to deal with her usual annoying self.

I wonder how she lost her voice though... I feel like Lisa is involved... She smirks at Jisoo and the latter glares at her...

I nudged Lisa's side getting her and Chaeyoung attention since they were talking «Ne?»
«Is it your fault Jisoo lost her voice?» I asked straightforward, talking low so no one else could hear me, Lisa looked at Jisoo and smirked while the other rolled her eyes and glared at her, while Jihyo was also smirking
«Yes it is. We were quite wild.» she also answered straightforward, which left me and Chaeyoung shocked, Jisoo red in the face pointed out obviously forcing her voice out
«You went wild. You raped me.»
I glared at Lisa «You did what?»
Lisa rolled her eyes and explained «She's in denial. But she begged me. Both wanted it. She also took the lead once that day.»
Jihyo said surprised «You begged her and took the lead!? Jinjja!? Waeh?? Why didn't you told me?»
Lisa said «Oh, so Jisoo told you what happened.»
Jihyo nodded «But not in details. Plus you know, you did quite a job in making sure she's well marked.» Jihyo lowered a little Jisoo's uniform collar and showed us all the hickeys, Chaeyoung commented
«Damn. You sure did a masterpiece Nallalisa.»
I looked at Lisa who was smirking, while I pouted slightly but quickly turned back at my emotionless face, yeah, I was hurt.
Jisoo slapped away Jihyo's hand and covered herself as much as she could but they were still visible, no matter how much makeup she probably had on. Sure if you don't look at her neck you don't notice them but if you do, well, there's no way to cover them.

Lisa touched my shoulder and looked at me worried «Nini, are you alright?»
I nodded «We already talked about this whole Jisoo and you thing so don't worry.» I whispered so only her could hear, she nodded and said
I forced a smile «Ani, it's fine.»
She sighed and we both looked at Jihyo and Jisoo who looked like they were communicating with each other facial expressions. I wondered if they really understood each other.

We reached our destination, we were at the bottom of a mountain with a quite flat side. Cadets were confused, so we went to the front and Manoban explained «It's really easy guys. You will learn how to climb down the mountain side. Like that sergeant will do, focus.»
Everyone looked at the guy, as soon as he was done, every cadet started to talk, we heard Jihyo say «I'm so excited! Aren't you Jichu?»
The three of us looked at Jisoo who was petrified, Lisa sighed and said low while the instructor who just did the exercise explained the cadets how to do it «She has a strong acrophobia. It was really hard for her to complete the ropes exercise, what should we do?»
Chaeyoung said «You could go down with her like last time.»
I debated «But, what would be the point? She won't fight her phobia and will never be able to stand high places. And it's a really important thing if she wants to become a General. She has to do it on her own.»
Chaeyoung nodded «But, it becomes even more dangerous for her. What if she has a panic attack?»
I simply said «Someone of us will descend quickly till reaching her. And by us, I mean Lisa because it seems like she can calm her.»
Lisa nodded «You're right. But, I think her phobia is also caused by a trauma she experienced. Something in a high place happened and it sure left a huge mark on Jisoo. So, she won't be able to defeat it if first she doesn't defeat her trauma.»
I nodded «So, what do we do?»
There was a moment of silence, then Chaeyoung said «What if we use her pride as our advantage?»
I asked «What do you mean?» I furrowed my eyebrows
«Easy, let's tease her by saying that she could never do that cause she's too much of a scaredy cat. Maybe, she would concentrate on succeeding and maybe her brain won't make her react badly.» Chaeyoung explained
Lisa looked in deep thoughts, then she nodded
«It could work, let's try this. If she has a panic attack I will reach her though.» I nodded and in that moment the instructor was also done explaining and Chaeyoung said
«Okay, let's move now at the top of this small mountain.»
With that Chaeyoung went ahead leading the way, while me and Manoban went near Jisoo and Jihyo, the latter seemed really worried about her best friend.

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