🔞Chap.17: Cloud 9? Nope. A totally different universe🔞

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A/N: Here you have the much awaited chapter! FULL SMUT CHAPTER!! Do you have your holy set?

A/N: Here you have the much awaited chapter! FULL SMUT CHAPTER!! Do you have your holy set?

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Our Marshal wanted our dear Cadet so bad that this time she wouldn't have stopped. And wouldn't let anyone or anything stop her.

Jisoo's heart was pounding rapidly wondering what was really about to happen. Even more after seeing her Marshal in just underwear and bra.

The older untied the younger having different plans, then kissed her little heart shaped lips, wanting access to her mouth, which she could obtain just by biting the younger bottom lip hard. A very heated make out session started with Jisoo kissing back after a while.

To her surprise Jisoo was enjoying her Marshal lips and tongue. Lalisa wasn't enjoying it any less but wanted more, so she slid one hand under the younger shirt too focused on the kissing, thoughts and emotions who were clouding her brain. The older reached Jisoo's breast and started playing with one making the younger gasp and to her confusion a muffled moan escaped her lips. Lisa smirked and parted a few inches from the girl lips, saying seductively «I like your moans babygirl.... But I would love to hear my name.... I'll make you scream it jagi... And in the end your throat won't be the only sore thing...» meanwhile Lisa didn't stop working her magic, making Jisoo breath out «Marshal Manoban...»
Lisa in two smooth moves took away Jisoo's shirt and bra making the younger gasp and cover herself.

There was something our Marshal didn't know about her Cadet. Kim Jisoo hated her body. Every inch of it.

Manoban grabbed her wrists and whispered sweetly «Don't be shy...» she tried to remove Jisoo's hands but she wasn't able to «Jisoo-ya, I don't wanna use my force and maybe hurt you...»
Jisoo didn't care and gaining a little bit of sense back she managed to say «Get the fuck off me you perv...» she was sure she said if firmly but she didn't. The unsure tone in her voice was very well audible.

Lisa shook her head «Oh no Jichu. This is not the right way to behave.» she stretched her arm to the nightstand and opened a draw taking out some rope. As soon as Jisoo saw it she tried to wiggle her way out of her Marshal and ran out of the room. But she simply failed like most of the times.

Lisa using a little bit more of force was able to remove Jisoo's hands from covering her beautiful breasts and tidying her wrist to the headboard.

Jisoo's heart started to race at a surprising pace and her breath picked up. Lisa smiled and pecked the cadet lips, for then starting to trace kisses down her jaw, collarbone, neck stopping there for a while to bit it and suck it focusing particularly on Jisoo's soft spot, she then went on till she reached the younger breast, with one hand she played with the right one, while she started nibbling, sucking and licking the other one, sometimes switching between the two. Jisoo bit her lip hard not wanting to let out a single moan, which was very hard cause Lisa was making her feel in heaven, even though she was supposed to hate it. Her moans started coming out when Lisa worked her magic on the girls nipples, her wrist slightly hurt from the rope since she was moving her arms, still not used to being tied.

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