November 1, 2018

472 37 6

Dear Future Husband,

I'm so bad.

My sister's boyfriend is so hot.

Before last night, I never really took much time to notice to Grant, but after seeing him in that leather jacket and those jeans...


Grant, if it's you I'm writing to right now, then I am one terrible sister.

If it's not, then you can skip this letter because it's going to be all about Grant.

I tried not to be following him around like a puppy all night, but I couldn't help bumping into him at the snack table or brushing my leg against his as we were crammed in the backseat of my sister's car, or making an excuse to talk to him by asking if he knew where the bathroom was.

I couldn't help feeling a little jealous when his long muscular arm threatening to bulge out of the tight leather jacket slid over Clarissa's shoulders as his bright white teeth glimmered for a photo.

If only he was a year younger, maybe he could have the other Troy sister.

But he wasn't.

He was Clarissa's.

Love, you're mine.

Xoxo, Alina

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