Dear Future Husband,
Finally, Christmas break is here! It's that long break right before midterms that is forced to span over almost two weeks because of the strange proximity between Christmas and New Years. It's that one break that fun teachers never give homework for, and strict teachers always give long assignments for, and all the teachers pressure you to use this time to start studying for midterm exams because "Once you get back, they will be here before you know it."
I've been waiting for this break since Donovan and I broke up, lunch has been awful and most days I had to abscond to the library or sit with some of my acquaintances from student council.
The "Popular Kids"-- or so they are called-- cut me off when Donovan did, not that I was going to continue friendships with them anyways. As soon as we broke up, I sat fifty seats down on the totem pole. I was just Alina again, not Donovan Alina, just Alina, and maybe there wasn't anything too terribly wrong with that.
Paisley and her clan acted like they barely knew who I was, and where I wasn't going to try and rekindle our friendship, it still would've been nice to be friendly with them. I don't think I had ever publicly denied them during my short reign with the cool kids, but they were still bitter about it.
And since there is an opening for the position of Donovan's girlfriend, Ava and Gabrielle are in a desperate fight for his attention, widening the cracks in their already crumbling group. There is finally harmony in it with the even number, but Gabrielle must've gotten sick of the pairs she had, so she is looking for a different half. Ava just wants what everyone else has, so of course she is going to go for the guy everyone wants. As for Paisley and Giselle, who knows what they are up to, maybe also plotting to have my ex boyfriend.
Christmas break gives me a chance to evaluate my situation and maybe form new relationships, so when I go back to school I don't have to look around the lunch room for ten minutes hunting for an available seat with decent people. Hopefully I will get invited to a New Years party to meet some new people.
As of right now, I'm just trying to relax and enjoy my vacation. I've always like Christmas and I'm not going to let my lack of friends ruin it for me. Despite the chilly weather, the festivities and cocoa always seem to find a way to warm even the most frozen hearts, giving me the perfect opportunity to meet some good people, even if its only temporary.
For now, I'm just going to sit back with my fuzzy socks and Christmas cookies and watch Rudolph with the Christmas tree shimmering in front of me, surrounded by my family.
And never forget, even though the season can be cold, that I am always with you through the spirit of Christmas.
Xoxo, Alina

Dear Future Husband
عاطفيةDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.