Dear Future Husband,
I loved Cinderella as a child. Every child had that one princess that was their favorite, and Cinderella was most obviously mine. I dressed up as her four Halloweens straight, and can remember at least two Cinderella themed birthday parties.
As I got older, I still admired her, even while my sister went through her feminist phase saying "Why can't you pick a princess like Mulan to like? Cinderella is an inaccurate representation of women from the media and a disgrace to the female image. Shame on you, Disney, shame on you."
I never saw it that way. I never saw her as anything less than a role model. I mean yeah, she was kind of a dumb blond, and there are plenty of politically incorrect things about that movie, but I always looked deeper than the surface. Deeper than "The prince saves the girl and they lived happily ever after." Excuse me? Did you miss that entire story? Because last I checked, with a little help from her fairy godmother Cinderella got to go party hard at a ball where she didn't know anyone and rocked it. She decided to be a rebel and go to the ball and yeah she met a guy, and she liked the guy. Good for her. What's wrong with that?
She gets home and almost completely forgets about her mystery man, she just goes back to being her, and smiling through the troubles. Last I checked, the guy comes running back to her, last I checked, he needed her. You didn't see Cinderella running back to the castle, no sir.
The prince comes back, but her abusive family who has been silencing her for so long take the final step and lock her up, and she snaps. After some tears and help from some unlikely friends, she gets herself out and goes to her prince.
She saves him, and he hadn't done a single thing to help her get out, but still, in a way, he saves her. He takes her away from the bad people in her life, he makes her forget all of the terrible things that have happened to her, and everything is ok.
Everything will be ok.
Xoxo, Alina
__________Hey guys! I know I told you I wasn't going to do authors notes but here's a quick PSA on the updating schedule.
Currently, I'm in Iceland on vacation and probably won't have a ton of time to update at the schedule I have set, so there might be the chance that there will be a lot of updates at the end of the week despite the dates. Again, I'm not sure how much time I'll be putting towards updating but thought I would give the heads up :)

Dear Future Husband
RomanceDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.