June 18, 2019

130 13 0

Dear My Best Boo,

Finals are over, but I haven't really been feeling that summer spirit.

Me and Alina have been rough lately to say the least. After what happened at the party the other night, I can tell she's harboring some resentment, and if I'm being completely honest, so am I. I know that she didn't hurt anyone and she didn't make any really stupid decisions, but she was acting like the kind of person that killed my brother, and I just can't shake that thought. I've tried so hard just to get over it and move on, but with everything that's happened nothing feels the same.

I feel like the first two months with her were so easy. Yeah, we had a few bumps in the road, but we got over them so quickly. We were so close and so happy and so respectful of each other but something has been happening these past few weeks. I don't know if we're just now realizing the other's flaws or if summer has something else in store for us. I really hope it's the former because we can control that, we can get through that.

I don't want to end things with Alina, fuck, she's the best person I've ever had a relationship with. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life and I don't want to let that get away. I can't let that get away. No matter if we're fighting or having a bad day or having our best day, seeing her makes me feel so... bright. I feel bright around her. I feel like she not only brings light into my life, but makes me radiate bring light through my life. That sounds so gay and I don't know if it makes any sense but that's how I feel.

I don't want to lose that brightness.

I don't want to lose Alina.

And I would do anything to try to fix this.


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