Dear Future Wife,
So this is officially my last letter to you I guess.
Mrs. Hathaway decided that a month was long enough for this project, and she got tired of checking everyone's papers every other day.
It's been a good run.
I hate to say it, but I've really enjoyed this project. It really gave me... Perspective. And a place to go with someone to talk to, even if I haven't met you yet. Anything would be better than who I have now honestly... But I'm not going to waste my last piece of paper to you complaining about my family and "friends."
It's been nice talking to you.
And I'm sorry I called you a bitch.
And told you to make me a sandwich.
If you're actually reading this right now then I want you to know that you really mean a lot to seventeen year old me, and still mean a lot (probably) to twenty year old me or thirty year old me or-- heaven forbid-- forty year old me. The only reason that I will be forty when you're reading this is because I completely forgot about these letters, not because I got married at forty, I'm too hot for that.
So whoever you are I love you. Even if this is my future ex wife, it's been a good run.
Fuck, I'm going soft.

Dear Future Husband
RomanceDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.