June 13, 2019

158 11 0

Dear My Other Half,

Teenagers are so fucking inconsiderate.

Even the good ones that you think are nice and practical are just dumbasses and need to grow up.

Tonight Zach Walsh had an end of school year party (or at least that was the excuse this time) and it was a banger.

I don't think any of his other parties had the attendance this one had. Fucking freshmen were there, both college and high school. I'm surprised the cops didn't come because it was insane.

I went with the boys and hadn't really considered inviting Alina at all assuming she would be shacked up studying for her next test Tuesday, yet somehow she was there.

I walked around with Brandon just dicking around drinking soda and talking to people, having a decent time trying to dodge all of the drunk people. You know the thing I have against alcohol, and Brandon is dead set on staying sober for his physique, so we were always partners at things like this because we aren't dumbasses.

Anyway, we were talking to a few of the basketball girls when I felt a finger tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to find my girlfriend standing there with a pouty look on her face and a red solo cup in hand.

"Alina, hey," I said, smiling at her uneasily because of the look on her face. "You okay?"

"Are you cheating on me?" She said, crossing her arms.

My eyes grew wide. "What? No, why would I be?"

She eyed the two girls flirting with Brandon behind me, her eyebrows scrunching together. "Who are they?"

I laughed, putting a hand on her arm. "Chill, I'm just being a wingman."

"Really?" She said a little too loud as she put her hands on her hips, a splash of brown liquid leaving her cup. "Because you didn't tell meeee that you were comin' tonight." She brought the cup to her lips, tipping it back as far as it went as she stumbled back a few steps. "And that's a little sketchy." She slurred, putting her empty cup on a table next to her.

I took a deep breath. "Alina, how much did you have to drink?"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she swayed back and forth on her feet. "None of your bizniz, last I checked you came withou even thinkin' of me tonight and what I was doing. You never do, it's all about when it's convenient for you and you never stop to think 'hey, maybe Alina wants to hang out'. No, it's always 'Me me me-"

"Alina," I said, starting to get annoyed, not only at the fact that she was stupid drunk, but also because she was making up crazy accusations. I don't care how much fun alcohol is supposed to be, it makes you do dumb shit and it's not worth it. I thought Alina was better than this. "You should go, I'll take you home."

"No! This is what I'm talking about! I'm trying to have fun, Grant, and yer ruinin it. God, you're always out doing things withou me while I sit and do nothing and I finally do something and you wanna pull me away from it! You're like the fun police except you make everything unfun. Someone get me another drink!" She yelled, earning enthusiastic yells from the bar.

I took a deep breath, really starting to get agitated. "You've had enough."

"You're not the boss of me!" She yelled as one of her friends brought over another solo cup. She looked me dead in the eyes and started drinking it just to rub it in. After taking a long sip she pulled the cup away from her mouth, swallowed, then burped a sickening air bubble of Bud Light in my face.

I couldn't deal with it anymore and I didn't really know what to do. I couldn't force her to do anything, and I also couldn't just ignore this, I cared about her and right now she was not being herself and I couldn't let her do anything she would regret.

"Look, when you're ready to leave, tell me and I'll drive you, okay?"

She rolled her eyes. "How considerate of you." She said bitterly before walking into the mob of teenagers.

I didn't end up driving her home, I couldn't keep track of her and eventually she was just gone so I texted her to make sure she got home okay. The rest of the night I was extremely uneasy because of our talk, and it made it quite an unpleasant night. I was so nervous about what might happen to her and most importantly what it might do to our relationship. I was honestly not feeling good about her behavior after that, and it brought up too many bad feelings about my brother that I did not want to associate with her.

I was just hoping this wasn't as bad as I thought.


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