Dear future housemate,
This is probably the most ballsy thing I have done to get closer to my family.
I'm introducing Alina to them.
If I was going to let them into my life then this was one of the biggest moves I could make. Alina was the one who had convinced me to do this whole thing anyway, so I figured she could also be let into my life more by meeting them.
Today she met me at my locker during our usual time between classes and I brought it up to her.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked her.
"I have practice until four thirty but nothing after that. Want to grab dinner?"
"Actually," I said, closing my locker. "Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to come over because Jules' birthday is tomorrow and my mom is throwing this kind of family get together thing for her. It's really low key and if you don't feel comfortable or anything it's fine-"
"Are you asking me to meet your family?" She laughed, biting her lip.
I smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Maybe?"
She looked surprised, a good surprised but still surprised. Why was she surprised? "Do I need to know any special rules so I can pass?" She laughed.
"Yes, actually, my parents require skirts at least six inches above the knee-- tight of course-- and something low cut-"
"Grant!" She gasped just as the bell rang.
"Their rules, not mine." I said as she started to walk away. "Are you coming or not?" I called after her.
She turned around and started to walk backwards. "I wouldn't miss it! Would your parents be ok if I wore a muumuu?"
"Nevermind, you're uninvited."
She laughed before blowing me a kiss and going to her next class.
Now for the hard part.
I got home from practice and found my mom and her boyfriend Rick on the couch watching TV.
I had mixed feelings about Rick. He was kind of an asshole, but a lot of fun when he needed to be. He didn't really think before he spoke, was a heavy smoker, and kind of creeped me out, but was a good dad to his kids, and us somehow. I would've picked a hundred other guys for her, but I guess Rick wasn't the worst one. He was better than any of my dad's girlfriends/ fuck buddies, that was for sure.
Regardless, I wish he wasn't here right now when I was trying to tell my mom about Alina. I didn't need whatever comments he was going to offer. I considered putting it off for later, but if I did that then I wouldn't end up telling her.
"Is everyone coming over for Jules' birthday tomorrow?" I asked her.
"Yeah," She replied. "Even Rick's parents decided to join." Great.
"Would it be ok if my, uh, friend came?" Don't ask me why I was a pussy because I don't have an answer.
"Honey, I'm sorry but I don't think Brandon would act appropriately around your grandparents-"
"I mean my girlfriend." I said quickly.
She turned towards me and her eyes lit up. "Girlfriend? You have a girlfriend?" Ok yes, I know that they literally drove me to Alina's house on prom night and I probably should've told them by now that it wasn't actually Brandon's house, but like I said, I'm bad at this stuff.
"Uh, yeah," I said, swallowing hard. "We've been dating for two months."
Rick snorted. "I thought you were gay."
I had gotten so used to his "funny" insults that I just started ignoring him.
"What's her name? Does she go to your school? Do you have pictures?" My mom asked, a giant smile on her face. Her and my dad were so different, I have no idea how they had four kids together.
I got out my phone and showed her the picture on my lock screen from the two of us at her house before prom, the one where I'm looking at her as she's smiling at the camera. "That's Alina."
She took it from me, putting a hand over her mouth like she was meeting her grandchild for the first time or something. "She's beautiful, oh my god Rick look." I wished she hadn't shown him, but she did and he stared at her like the pervert he was. It was a good thing she was going to wear a muumuu.
"Are you sure it isn't photoshopped?" He asked as I took my phone from him.
"So is it ok?" I asked.
"Of course! She can come over now if she wants! She is welcome in our house whenever she wants! Oh, Grant, I'm so happy for you!"
With my dad, it wasn't as satisfying to tell him things, but with my mom I could tell all she wanted was to be in my life. I was starting to wonder if maybe it was just me who was distancing myself from my family. Even though my dad was cold and closed off, maybe if I had been more open from the start then he would've been too.
Maybe this wasn't as complicated as I thought.

Dear Future Husband
RomanceDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.