Dear Future Husband,
Aw yeahhh it's my birthday!
I'm sixteen today! And I got my learner's permit!
Technically in the state of Washington you can get a permit at fifteen, but you have to be enrolled in driver's ed, and we always said we were going to do it, but never did. Plus I can't get my license until sixteen anyway, so my mom promised me that on my sixteenth birthday she would enroll me in driver's ed and take me to get my permit.
This morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes and had a very nice birthday breakfast with my family. I looked around for presents but didn't see any and was wondering if maybe sixteen was the year I stopped getting presents. It didn't bother me though, I was just grateful for my family.
I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong.
Once I finished breakfast, my dad threw me a set of keys and asked me to start up the car. I didn't think anything of it at first, he always asked me to warm up his car for him, but when I got outside I realized that he had a Chevy, and he had thrown me Volkswagen keys. When I looked up I found a shiny new car with ribbons on the mirrors sitting in the driveway.
I never thought they would actually buy me a car. I always assumed Clarissa and I would share, so needless to say I was speechless. I don't think I stopped jumping up and down for a full minute.
I thanked my family again with a shower of hugs and kisses before Grant pulled in to take me to school, so I had to part with my beautiful car to be with my beautiful boyfriend.
"I got a car!" I exclaimed to him as I got into the passenger seat.
"I know!" He laughed, giving me a nice long birthday kiss. "Happy sixteenth."
I beamed at him and went in for one last kiss. "It's off to a good start, if I say so myself."
He sighed as he reached into the backseat. "I really wish they had waited until after I gave you your gift, it doesn't get much better than a car." He pulled out a small gift bag and handed it to me.
"You're right, this is terrible you should've gotten me a tropical vacation to beat the car." I said sarcastically, smiling.
He laughed, shaking his head. "If I had only known."
I smiled at him and opened the card first, a short, but sweet birthday note, exactly Grant's type. Not a paragraph expressing his love, just a nice happy birthday note and a heart. It was perfect.
I moved onto the contents of the bag to find a small blue felt pouch that was unmistakably from Tiffany. "God, Grant, you know I was kidding when I asked for the vacation." I said as I untied the bag.
"What do you mean? It's nowhere close to a vacation."
I opened the bag and pulled out a necklace with two tiny hearts at the end, one with the letter A, and the other a T. My jaw dropped as I held it up to the light, the sun winking off the perfectly smooth hearts.
"I was going to engrave an A on one and a G on the other, but we have only been together about three weeks and I figured you still have time to get sick of me."
"Oh my god, I love it, but you spent too much." I gasped as I twirled it around in the air, examining it from every angle.
"It's not real silver or anything, I mean it's actually Tiffany but it wasn't really that expensive. I mean, it wasn't like it was cheap, it definitely wasn't cheap, but the price doesn't matter. I know it's a little early for expensive gifts and everything, but it's your sixteenth birthday and I wanted to get you something special. I mean, I didn't really know what to get you but I figured 'Girls like jewelry', but if you don't like it I can probably take it back and exchange it for something-"

Dear Future Husband
RomanceDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.