Dear Future Wife,
My second least favorite day of the year.
Another occasion where my girlfriends get to strap me up in a blazer and twirl me around like a diamond on their finger.
This year, the color scheme is pink.
Just keeps getting better and better.
Don't worry, this day doesn't have some dark and creepy background story behind it, I just really hate suits.
I get it, ok? Semi is one of the reasons you have a boyfriend. In eighth grade, the only time you ever got to talk to your significant other, besides over Kik, was at the dorky dances in the cafeteria, and even in high school most couples find it mandatory that they show off their relationship in public.
But if you ask me, that's not a relationship.
A relationship is being able to sprawl yourself on a couch and eat Doritos and watch all of the Rocky movies in one day without having to say a word to the other person, and being ok with it. Being in a relationship is copying each other's Spanish homework in the morning without question, and going to the zoo because come on, it's the zoo. Being in a relationship is going to each other's games and buying each other ice cream when they win, but still buying it even if they don't.
A relationship is getting up every morning and being excited that you'll see your person. It's being genuinely happy when they walk in the room. It's missing them even though you saw them twenty minutes ago. It's being happy for them even if you're in a bad mood. It's not only showing up for each other when it's convenient for you. It's not to be controlling over them. It's not to have someone who has to stay loyal to you while you flaunt yourself.
A relationship isn't texting each other every waking moment of the day asking where you are and who you're with, it's not PDA. A relationship isn't saying I love you after every sentence. It's not sex. And it's most definitely not dressing up in matching pink outfits just to post all over social media to brag to your friends that you're in a relationship that isn't even real.
I just want it to be real.

Dear Future Husband
RomanceDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.