Dear Life Partner,
It's been, like, officially a month since Vanessa and I started dating, and I think I should end it.
I feel like it's long enough so that we can say it was something, but not too long for things to get serious.
Did I like her? Of course, she was awesome, but I seriously can't go on in a relationship where I don't feel like a man, where I don't feel in control.
And I'm not saying that in a control freak, patriarchy asshole way, I mean, how would you feel if you couldn't be alone with your girlfriend without being afraid that you might be pressured into having sex with her? One, it will make me look like a pussy little virgin, and two, I'm a guy so I can't call it rape as easily.
I think this relationship has run its course and it was good while it lasted, but I think it gets to a point where if you're paranoid around the person, it's time to end it.
A girlfriend just isn't for me right now.
Too much responsibility and too much pressure.
Maybe next time.

Dear Future Husband
RomanceDear Future Husband, Hey, it's me, the love of your life.