thirty five

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Y/N's eyes glances on each member of the group. Her eyes slightly getting small as she look at them. She felt the awkwardness the boys are giving—which is too obvious, especially to Hoseok that couldn't sit still as his eyes met hers.

Jin glances at her, but every time Y/N do the same with him, he looks on Namjoon's direction, whom only gave him a look of warning. Taehyung sighed and roll his eyes, he's the only one who's comfortable right now, leaning his back on the chair while crossed arms. Watching his hyungs who couldn't act normal in front of the girl.

"Uh... Is something wrong?" Y/N asked. She had noticed this kind of behavior the boys are giving her ever since the time when Her and Jimin are still not okay. And it felt weird for her.

The familiar teasing the playboys would always do to her was suddenly replaced by a staring game and a quiet treatment. She felt that they are trying not to speak about something to her. She surely wasn't that dumb to not notice how they are avoiding to have a conversation with her.

"Where is Jungkook by the way?" Yoongi asks. Looking at her while rubbing his chin.

You look at them one by one before answering. "I honestly don't know. But he texted me saying he's going to follow us here, he just have to do uh...some things." She aren't sure either what was the real reason why Jungkook left. But before he leave her, Jungkook's expression changed after reading something on his phone.

"Uh...Where is Jimin?" Y/N finally asked the question she was dying to tell the others. Ever since earlier, she had been looking for him. She don't know why, but Y/N has this feeling that she wanted to see Jimin. How is he doing, or what's new with the jerk's life.

Hoseok looks at Y/N and to the rest after. Looking for her best friend wasn't even new to Hoseok or the others anymore. But now that they knew Jimin's eyes are on you, Hoseok couldn't help but to ship you both now.

I wonder if she loves that fucker the same? Hobi intertwined his fingers together that was pressed above the table. Thinking of a possibility if Y/N's also attracted to her long time best friend—it surely made his cold and playful heart beats in a weird way.

"I...I thought he was with you, since he said he'll wait for you. But seeing you here and looking for him, then I guess I am wrong." Namjoon had said.

"Are you...worried that he's not here?" Jin asked. Earning a kick on his leg under the table. Namjoon's second warning. He was afraid Jin might spill something that he and the rest would regret.

"Me?" Y/N tried to laugh and hide it, but hell, she is really worried. She tried calling Jimin a few times last night, but everything just went straight to voicemail. "Ani...He's probably busy using his charms to fucking seduce girls. I should not look for him."

The guys looks at each other. They all know that Jimin already stop. Only if Y/N knew. Only if she knew that it's only her, whom Jimin will be so whipped from now on.

"Only Jungkook and Jimin are missing. We are supposed to be complete today." Taehyung said. "Is it still called a coincidence that they are sometimes missing on the same day?"

Yoongi turns his head on Taehyung. He got the younger's message already. Not again. He told himself.

"Jungkook will surely be back now. There is no way hell they are together." Y/N joins. For she knew that they are still not in good terms so why would the two waste their time being together?

"Now, you gave me a very interesting clue,Y/N." Taehyung immediately stand up. Looking at all his hyungs. Y/N looks at him in confusion. "Call Jungkook,Y/N."

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