fourty seven

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this is so messy, i swear. didn't re-read it before publish so if you see any incorrect then i'm v sowwyyyy

annnd if you're wondering where am i from... I'm from the Philippines hehe so sorry for my messy english words, again, it's not my first language


Leaning on the wide mirror, Y/N scanned her face, noticing the eyes that gone red for a few minutes of crying and locking herself inside the restroom.

"Fuck it. Why the fuck are you crying now?" It may sound over reacting and really weird, but she couldn't stop the feeling of carrying something heavy on her chest by just looking on Jimin's eyes earlier.

She doesn't want to go back with her eyes that are obvious from crying. But she doesn't want to stay a little more in the empty restroom by herself.

Sighing, she wiped the tears again. Calming herself, before reaching the door handle, to finally get back where she left her friends, her boyfriend, and someone whom she started to miss again.

This wasn't supposed to go this way, but damn her emotions for over flowing the time she met those eyes--which she realized just now how precious they look like.

She nervously went back to the group who's still enjoying themselves. Sitting back next to Jungkook that puts his arms on her shoulders immediately.

"Are you really okay, Y/N?" He whispered on her ears. That made Jimin drinks again. He wanted to asked what was Jungkook whispering and why can't he just say it without getting closer like that.

But who is he to even ask about that? Jungkook is her boyfriend, it's just normal for the two to whisper at each other's ear. It's something a couple always do when they wanted to have some private talk and won't let anyone to hear any of it.

"Don't stare too much, you idiot." Yoongi mumbles. He cares, but Jimin staring for too long is such a bitch for him. Staring won't do anything.

"You were in this too, I won't forget about that." Jimin replied, brushing his hair up and leaning his back on the couch they were seated.

"Wasn't my plan tho. I was just dragged through it."

"I'm hurt." Jimin mumbles, staring again at now two love birds who were secretly laughing.

Jungkook wants Y/N to feel better, and the only thing that's left for him was to tell her crack jokes. Now her attention was all on him, and that's what he just wants.

Yoongi sighed. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

Jin looked, Hoseok bites his lower lip, Taehyung was bored and doesn't want to join at any conversations because honestly, he doesn't want to encounter another fight neither a drama. And Namjoon was busy picking the broken glass on the floor while laughing at himself.

"No, hyung... I don't want to ruin Jin hyung's celebration. I'll stay." Jimin swears, if his freaking traitor of a tears come out then he's damned.

The rest of the night didn't went smooth. It was filled with awkwardness everywhere. Y/N would stop talking or laughing if Jimin talks or was involved at some of their conversation, and Jimin does the same.

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